I'm a Java programmer and i wanted to get into writing so apps for the Iphone. I started to research and found myself looking at xmlvm..that all good, but then xmlvm has a HelloWorld.java with some UIWindow classes that i can't find and can't compile. Short of it is where is the api for Java so i can compile xmlvm's HelloWorld.java for the Iphone. Here's the code: and i've already compiled xmlvm with ant and have xmlvm.jar in my classpath so??
import org.xmlvm.iphone.*;
public class HelloWorld extends UIApplication {
public void applicationDidFinishLaunching(UIApplication app) {
UIScreen screen = UIScreen.mainScreen();
CGRect rect = screen.applicationFrame();
UIWindow window = new UIWindow(rect);
rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0;
UIView mainView = new UIView(rect);
UILabel title = new UILabel(rect);
title.setText("Hello World!");
public static void main(String[] args) {
UIApplication.main(args, HelloWorld.class);