Or, without messing with the HTML of the child window, from the parent, you can attach a listener on the load event of the iframe. In this solution, i am going to use jQuery for simplicty, but any library or even manual event attachment will do.
In the parent's HTML:
<iframe id="foo"></iframe>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var element = $("#foo");
element.load( function( eventObject ) {
// do something here
} );
// Now that the event listener is attached, we can set the source.
element[0].src = "foo.html";
Note, I have not tried setting the source first and then attaching the listener, I am not sure if this would be guaranteed to always work. It could happen that the iframe is created/loaded before the load listener is attached, I am not sure. But, by setting the src after the listener is attached, I am sure that the load listener will be called.