On my site, people can buy parts for vehicles. I want to create a report for a customer to see how much they have spent on parts per month on the site, and allow them to filter by date. If I was writing it in SQL, I would write this:
DATEPART(YEAR, o.order_date),
DATEPART(MONTH, o.order_date),
SUM(i.unit_price * i.quantity)
FROM vehicles v
join order_items i on v.id = i.truck_id
join orders o on o.order_id = i.order_id
WHERE v.customer_id = @CustomerId
AND o.order_date > @StartDate
AND o.order_date < @EndDate
GROUP BY DATEPART(YEAR, o.order_date), DATEPART(MONTH, o.order_date)
Is this query even possible as a Criteria query in NHibernate?