I have an Employee entity class with (Id,Name,EmployeeType). EmployeeType entity (Id, Description) where Description can be either REGULAR/MANAGER.
I am confused on how to map Employees who are of type REGULAR to their corresponding MANAGER type Employees. Should I just add an extra field to the Employee entity itself so that it now becomes (Id, Name, EmployeeType, ManagerEmployeeId)? Or should I instead have a lookup table Employee_Manager (Id, RegularEmployeeId, ManagerEmployeeId)?
I am considering going with the Employee_Manager lookup table and am not sure how that entity class would look like. The following below is what comes to my mind. Am I on the right track here?
public class Employee{
int id;
String name;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "regularEmployee")
Collection<Employee> regularEmployee
Collection<Employee> managerEmployee;
ps. I am using JPA with Hibernate as the persistence provider.