I cannot figure out why my query slows down. What it boils down to are four tables: team, player, equipment, and metadata. Records in player and equipment have a FK to team, making team a parent of player and equipment. And all three of those tables' rows each have a record in metadata which stores things like creation date, creator user id, etc.
What I would like to retrieve all at once are any player and equipment records that belong to a particular team, in order of creation date. I start from the metadata table and left join the player and equipment tables via the metadata_id FK, but when I try to filter the SELECT to only retrieve records for a certain team, the query slow down big time when there are lots of rows.
Here is the query:
SELECT metadata.creation_date, player.id, equipment.id
JOIN datatype ON datatype.id = metadata.datatype_id
LEFT JOIN player ON player.metadata_id = metadata.id
LEFT JOIN equipment ON equipment.metadata_id = metadata.id
datatype.name IN ('player', 'equipment')
AND (player.team_id = 1 OR equipment.team_id = 1)
ORDER BY metadata.creation_date;
You'll need to add a lot of rows to really see the slow down, around 10,000 for each table. What I don't understand is why it is really quick if I only filter in the where clause on one table, for example: "... AND player.team_id = 1" But when I add the other to make it "... AND (player.team_id = 1 OR equipment.team_id = 1)" it takes much, much longer.
Here are the tables and datatypes. Note that one thing that seems to help a lot, but not all that much, is the combined keys on player and equipment for metadata_id and team_id.
CREATE TABLE `metadata` (
`id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`creation_date` DATETIME NOT NULL,
`datatype_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `datatype` (
`id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`metadata_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `player` (
`id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`metadata_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
`team_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE `equipment` (
`id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`metadata_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
`team_id` INT(4) unsigned NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE `metadata` ADD INDEX ( `datatype_id` ),
ADD INDEX ( `creation_date` );
ALTER TABLE `team` ADD INDEX ( `metadata_id` );
ALTER TABLE `player` ADD INDEX `metadata_id` ( `metadata_id`, `team_id` ),
ADD INDEX ( `team_id` );
ALTER TABLE `equipment` ADD INDEX `metadata_id` ( `metadata_id`, `team_id` ),
ADD INDEX ( `team_id` );
ALTER TABLE `metadata` ADD CONSTRAINT `metadata_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`datatype_id`) REFERENCES `datatype` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `team` ADD CONSTRAINT `team_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`metadata_id`) REFERENCES `metadata` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `player` ADD CONSTRAINT `player_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`metadata_id`) REFERENCES `metadata` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `player` ADD CONSTRAINT `player_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`team_id`) REFERENCES `team` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `equipment` ADD CONSTRAINT `equipment_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`metadata_id`) REFERENCES `metadata` (`id`);
ALTER TABLE `equipment` ADD CONSTRAINT `equipment_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`team_id`) REFERENCES `team` (`id`);
INSERT INTO `datatype` VALUES(1,'team'),(2,'player'),(3,'equipment');
Please note that I realize I could easily speed this up by doing a UNION of two SELECTS on player and equipment for a given team id, but the ORM I'm using does not natively support UNION's and so I'd much rather try and see if I can optimize this query instead. Also I'm just plain curious.