




Is there a way to determine how many capture groups there are in a given regular expression?

I would like to be able to do the follwing:

def groups(regexp, s):
    """ Returns the first result of re.findall, or an empty default

    >>> groups(r'(\d)(\d)(\d)', '123')
    ('1', '2', '3')
    >>> groups(r'(\d)(\d)(\d)', 'abc')
    ('', '', '')
    import re
    m = re.search(regexp, s)
    if m:
        return m.groups()
    return ('',) * num_of_groups(regexp)

This allows me to do stuff like:

first, last, phone = groups(r'(\w+) (\w+) ([\d\-]+)', 'John Doe 555-3456')

However, I don't know how to implement num_of_groups. (Currently I just work around it.)

EDIT: Following the advice from rslite, I replaced re.findall with re.search.

sre_parse seems like the most robust and comprehensive solution, but requires tree traversal and appears to be a bit heavy.

MizardX's regular expression seems to cover all bases, so I'm going to go with that.


First of all if you only need the first result of re.findall it's better to just use re.search that returns a match or None.

For the groups number you could count the number of open parenthesis '(' except those that are escaped by '\'. You could use another regex for that:

def num_of_groups(regexp):
    rg = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)\(')
    return len(rg.findall(regexp))

Note that this doesn't work if the regex contains non-capturing groups and also if '(' is escaped by using it as '[(]'. So this is not very reliable. But depending on the regexes that you use it might help.


The lastindex property of the match object should be what you are looking for. See the re module docs.

If no match is found, I don't have a match object. Plus, I don't think that's what lastindex does.
+2  A: 

Something from inside sre_parse might help.

At first glance, maybe something along the lines of:

>>> import sre_parse
>>> sre_parse.parse('(\d)\d(\d)')
[('subpattern', (1, [('in', [('category', 'category_digit')])])), 
('in', [('category', 'category_digit')]), 
('subpattern', (2, [('in', [('category', 'category_digit')])]))]

I.e. count the items of type 'subpattern':

import sre_parse

def count_patterns(regex):
    >>> count_patterns('foo: \d')
    >>> count_patterns('foo: (\d)')
    >>> count_patterns('foo: (\d(\s))')
    parsed = sre_parse.parse(regex)
    return len([token for token in parsed if token[0] == 'subpattern'])

Note that we're only counting root level patterns here, so the last example only returns 1. To change this, tokens would need to searched recursively.


Might be wrong, but I don't think there is a way to find the number of groups that would have been returned had the regex matched. The only way I can think of to make this work the way you want it to is to pass the number of matches your particular regex expects as an argument.

To clarify though: When findall succeeds, you only want the first match to be returned, but when it fails you want a list of empty strings? Because the comment seems to show all matches being returned as a list.

Adam Bellaire

Using your code as a basis:

def groups(regexp, s):
    """ Returns the first result of re.findall, or an empty default

    >>> groups(r'(\d)(\d)(\d)', '123')
    ('1', '2', '3')
    >>> groups(r'(\d)(\d)(\d)', 'abc')
    ('', '', '')
    import re
    m = re.search(regexp, s)
    if m:
        return m.groups()
    return ('',) * len(m.groups())
Will Boyce
This will throw an exception when no match is found
+4  A: 
def num_groups(regex):
    pattern = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\\\]])*\]|(\()(?!\?(?!P<)))")
    return len([ 1 for x in re.finditer(pattern, regex) if x.group(1) ])

It looks for unescaped '[' or '('. For '[' it looks for the next unescaped ']'. The '(' can't be followed by a '?', unless that is followed by 'P<'. (Named groups.) It then filters for the capturing groups, and counts them.

Also looking for character classes is necessary, because '(' can appear unescaped inside them. Using look-arounds to detect them is not possible, since look-behinds need to be of fixed length.

EDIT: (4 months later)

Too simple!

def num_groups(regex):
    return re.compile(regex).groups
+1 for the edited version :-)
Carl Meyer