I don't think proficiency with hot new technologies is such a distinguishing factor in the jobs market as it was 10 years ago. Our industry is wiser and no longer believes that a new language or methodology will circumvent all the problems of the past.
I say this as someone who would like to believe that his current skills in C#, ORM/LINQ, AJAX, JavaScript frameworks and iPhone ObjectiveC are the route to instant fame and fortune.
If you were looking something new to read up on, everything I just mentioned is worthwhile investigating but the learning curve with ObjectiveC will have you weeping in frustration compared to a managed language like C# or Java.
Microsoft no longer has an end-to-end software stack arm lock on its customers so I am yet to be convinced that SilverLight, WPF and F# will go as mainstream as earlier MS offerings.
In some respects trying to spot the next big thing is a lazy route to career development. If you are good then jump in where the technology is hot today and demonstrate your ability.