




I am trying to implement the Ajax feature in the comments section of my blog. I have downloaded prototype- and have placed it in the js folder inside webroot. I have made the following changes in the layout file(default.ctp)


Also, following code has been added to controllers

var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Ajax','Javascript');

This is my code in the posts_controller.php file

function view($id = null) {
     if (!$id) {
      $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid Post.', true));
     $post = $this->Post->read(null,$id);
     $comments = $this->Post->Comment->find('all',

My code in view.ctp file

<div id="comments">
<?php foreach($comments as $comment): ?>
  <div class="comment">
<p><b><?php echo $comment['Comment']['name']; ?></b></p>
      <p><?php echo $comment['Comment']['content']; ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php echo $ajax->form('/comments/add','post',array('update'=>'comments'));?>
   <?php echo $form->input('Comment.name');?>
   <?php echo $form->input('Comment.content');?>
   <?php echo $form->input('Comment.post_id',array('type'=>'hidden','value'=>$post['Post']['id']));?>
   <?php echo $form->end('Add Comment');?>

I have added the following function in the comments_controller.php

function add() {
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
      if ($this->Comment->save($this->data)) {
       $comments = $this->Comment->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('post_id'=>$this->data['Comment']['post_id']),'recursive'=>-1);
        } else {

And following is the code in the add_success.ctp file

<?php foreach($comments as $comment): ?>
<div class="comment">
<p><b><?php echo $comment['Comment']['name'];?></b></p>
<p><?php echo $comment['Comment']['content'];?></p>
<?php endforeach;?>

Now the problem is that I am not able to add comments. Nothing happens when I click on the add comments button. I have manually added comments in the databse and that works. But I am having problems when I am trying the Ajax Helper.

Where is the problem??And guys, sorry for such a long question.[:(]

+1  A: 

Do you have firebug installed so you can test to see if it is making the ajax request?

Perhaps try doing $form->submit('Add Comment'); to generate the button and see if it makes a difference and actually performs the ajax request.

Do you get any javascript errors?


it looks like you're following the example from "Beginning CakePHP" I think I made the same error too

it's not mentioned in the book, but the name of the .js file (in webroot/js) must match the helper function argument, so do one of these:

1) rename prototype- (inside your webroot/js folder) to prototype.js


2) change the helper function to


google [url=http://www.google.com] google [/url] [LINK=http://www.google.com/]search engine[/LINK
