Hi guys,
what is the easiest way to merge two flv videos into one? Would be awesome if its possible without command-line-tools like ffmpeg.
It would be great if someone knows a simple java solution =)
(on the server side)
Hi guys,
what is the easiest way to merge two flv videos into one? Would be awesome if its possible without command-line-tools like ffmpeg.
It would be great if someone knows a simple java solution =)
(on the server side)
I suggest trying avidemux. It understands FLV, is easy to use and you can easily append videos to each other and save them out in the same or different formats.
Do you want it server side or client side?
The ffmpeg command for the server side process is really simple:
ffmpeg -i joined.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy final.flv
According to ffmpeg FAQ: Some formats allow you to directly append video data to existing video files. The easiest would be to use one of these formats as intermediate conversions, append files as desired, and finally convert to format of choice:
ffmpeg -i input1.avi -sameq intermediate1.mpg ffmpeg -i input2.avi -sameq intermediate2.mpg cat intermediate1.mpg intermediate2.mpg > intermediate_all.mpg ffmpeg -i intermediate_all.mpg -sameq output.flv