Is it possible from a Java desktop app to find the icon to display for a given file, perhaps based on it's mime type? Specifically I want to ask the host OS for the icon to display so it can match what the user would expect to see.
As far as I know, desktop integration in Java 6 goes as far as providing ways to launch files using their associated applications, but I don't know if there is a way of getting the associated icon. You should look at the source code for the Desktop class.
Be aware that if a method exists, it will be platform-dependant.
2009-08-13 14:13:40
There is some example here. The relevant code would be:
FileSystemView view = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView();
Icon icon = view.getSystemIcon(file);
Edit (included comment) The official help page is here.
Ralph Rickenbach
2009-08-13 14:15:29
Would be worth linking to here:
Andy Balaam
2009-08-13 14:22:32
AS far as I know the only thing you can do is using the JTree's DefaultTreeCellRenderer. You can read more in the Java API.
I'll give you a few examples here. I haven't used it in a while so you will need to dig a little deeper to get what you want.
UIDefaults defaults = UIManager.getDefaults( );
Icon computerIcon = defaults.getIcon( "FileView.computerIcon" );
Icon floppyIcon = defaults.getIcon( "FileView.floppyDriveIcon" );
Icon diskIcon = defaults.getIcon( "FileView.hardDriveIcon" );
Icon fileIcon = defaults.getIcon( "FileView.fileIcon" );
Icon folderIcon = defaults.getIcon( "FileView.directoryIcon" );
Jacob Nelson
2009-08-13 14:24:54