Right now I am working on a new database that will show changes to one of our manuals that people request. I have two tables and one form. The first table is were all the information will be stored from the reference or subchapter of the manual, the current text in that subchapter, and what the proposed changes are. The second table is for subchapter reference with three fields: ID, SubChapter, and a memo field with what the subchapter says. Right now I am using a combo box for the chapter reference and depending on the reference it fills in another field with current text from another field. Here is my if statement to get a better idea:
If code_ref = "82.101(c)" Then
current_code = "Other County Regulations"
End If
What I would like to do is turn those thousand if statements into a lookup to where it checks the reference and then inserts the proper text in the next field. I am having trouble trying to find a way to do this without just finishing the if statements. I want to do it on change so they can cycle through the reference to find exactly what they are looking for. Any suggestions?
Taken from my comment: An idea of how this will work will be they open the form fill out their name, the item it falls under, use the combobox to select the code reference, once they select the code reference the current code field box will be filled in for them and it will set focus on the proposed code field so they can make their changes.