I have implemented a selection pattern similar to the one described in this post using a ViewModel to store the IsSelected value, and by binding the ListViewItem.IsSelected to the ViewModel IsSelected.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding Mode=TwoWay, Path=IsSelected}"/>
It works in general, but I encounter a severe problem. By using the a VirtualizingStackPanel as the panel in the list view, only the visible ListViewItem are getting created. If I use "Ctrl+A" to select all items, or by using shortcut combination such "Shift+Ctrl+End" on the first item, all items get selected, but for the non visible items, the ViewModel does not get its IsSelected set to true. That is logical, because if the ListViewItem are not created, the binding can't work.
Anybody experienced the same issue, and found a solution (apart from not using a VirtualizingStackPanel)?