
constrain StackPanel's width to smallest child element

How can I constrain a vertical WPF StackPanel's width to the most narrow item it contains. The StackPanel's width must not be greater than the width of any other child element. ...

How can a WPF StackPanel fill vertically from bottom to top?

I need to be able to fill a stackpanel with buttons but the buttons must appear at the bottom of the stackpanel first and populate upwards. The buttons are created dynamically and there's an unknown number of them so visual hackery just won't work. I've tried experimenting with vertical alignments but to no avail. Thanks in advance. ...

Silverlight 2: Want a variable number of items to take up a fixed width.

The stackpanel is not co-operating. We have a fixed width, and a variable number of items to lay out left-to-right inside it. We have a an items control that lays them out with a stack panel: <ItemsControl x:Name="testItems" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> ...

WPF Window MinWidth depending on size of toolbar

Hello, Before asking this question I have looked at all related questions, but have not found anything relevant. In my application I have toolbox style bar, which is basically stack panel with bunch of buttons. User may change which buttons are shown in toolbar. Window width may be changed, but it can not be smaller then width of tool...

Silverlight StackPanel Overflow Detection

Haven't started this one yet but I know I will have to tackle it in the next couple weeks.. I am creating a simple single-line toolbar (a horizontal StackPanel w/buttons) in Silverlight 2 and need to detect when the width of the browser starts colliding with the buttons. Upon collision I will display an "overflow" indicator which is at...

WPF: How to make controls stretch in a StackPanel?

A Slider and some other controls won't stretch to fill available space when placed in a StackPanel; instead the width is always MinWidth (or about 10 pixels if MinWidth is not set). How do I make it stretch (the equivalent of Anchor.Left|Anchor.Right in WinForms)? Example: <StackPanel DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Orientation="Horizontal"> ...

StackPanel.Visibility property not working as expected ?

Imagine i keep the below code in button click... if(condition==true) { Panel1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Panel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } else { Panel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Panel1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } works for the first time and then one of the panel collapses but the other panel doesnt beco...

Displaying a data-bound StackPanel inside a DataTemplate

I have objects I'm databinding to a ListBox in WPF. Here's what the end result should look like: ------------------------------- | Name | Opt1 | Value1 | | | Opt2 | Value2 | | | Opt3 | Value3 | | | Opt4 | Value4 | ------------------------------- Essentially i've got a DataTemplate for the ov...

Why won't StackPanel put textblock on left and button on right in Silverlight?

OK, I give up: what do I have to change to this StackPanel below so that it puts the: text on far left of form button on far right of form. <UserControl x:Class="TestData333.MainPage" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Width="400" H...

How can I get a StackPanel to be only as wide as its content?

The following template shows dynamic information in a colored box. However, the box is always the full width of the DockPanel/screen. I could put a fixed Width in the Border element, but then a very long customer name might get cut off. How can I tell the Border that it should expand and contract its width based on width of its conten...

Databinding a StackPanel using Prism

Hello, Using Prism, I have implemented a View, Model and Presenter much like the StockTraderRI project. My issue is that I am trying to databind a stackpanel to an ObservableCollection object but no strings are being displayed. Here’s my code: PresentationModel code: public InfoBarPresentationModel(IInfoBarView view, IEventAggreg...

WPF Credits effect problem: StoryBoard to animate a StackPanel that extends the height of the window

This is my first WPF project. I'm trying to get a rolling credits effect with a bunch of banner-shaped PNG's stacked on top of each other vertically. My current approach is to have a bunch of images in a StackPanel. Each image is approx 1024x150, and there is about 30 images. They stack vertically. I start the StackPanel at 0,200, so ...

Silverlight: stretching to remaining space in StackPanel

I have a vertical StackPanel with two elements: a Button and a ListBox. How can I have the ListBox stretch to the remaining page height? <StackPanel Height="Auto" Width="Auto"> <Button Height="30" Width="100" Content="Get Content" x:Name="GetContent"/> <ListBox Height="Auto" Width="Auto" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAli...

WPF : InputBindings on a StackPanel

I want to put a command on a ListBoxItem. The ListBoxItem use a DataTemplate composed of a StackPanel (containing an Image and a TextBlock, both using Binding). I want that the doubleclick on that ListBoxItem fire the command. I have tried this : <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <StackPanel.Resources> <CommonUI:Comma...

How can I set a StackPanels margins individually?

I can set the margin of a stackpanel in code-behind like this: StackPanel sp2 = new StackPanel(); sp2.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(5); But how can I set each individually, both of these don't work: PSEUDO-CODE: sp2.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness("5 0 0 0"); sp2.Margin.Left = new System.Windows.Thickness(5); ...

Problem adding canvasses to a stackpanel in code in wpf

I have the exact same problem as quoted (taken form here , but not answered) : I add controls to the StackPanel via StackPanel.Childrens.Add( ). But what i see - all controls, added by me, are in the same position and overlap each other. They don't being layout inside of StackPanel. Even StackPanel.UpdateLayout( ) ...

Silverlight: Canvas overflows

Hi all! I have created a Canvas, and within it I placed a StackPanel. The StackPanel is horizontal, and it accepts a list of thumbnailed images. The Canvas has a fixed size. When I put more thumbnails than the Canvas width can hold, the StackPanel is supposed to overflow from the Canvas, so I can move it to center the current thumbnail....

How can I create a Mouse Hover State on Silverlight for a Stack Panel?

Hi There, I am trying to create a mouse hover state which it changes its opacity when a mouse is over the stack panel. I have created the state, and created a mouse_enter event for the stack panel, and on the code behind cs file, I have the following code on Mouse_Enter event. MouseOver.Begin(); Where MouseOver is the StoryBoard's na...

VirtualizingStackPanel + MVVM + multiple selection

I have implemented a selection pattern similar to the one described in this post using a ViewModel to store the IsSelected value, and by binding the ListViewItem.IsSelected to the ViewModel IsSelected. <ListView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListViewItem}"> <Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding Mode=...

WPF ToolBar Separator shrinks to nothing when inside a StackPanel

Given the very simple wpf app <Window x:Class="Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="800"> <Grid> <ToolBar Height="50" > <MenuItem Header="Test1" /> <MenuItem Hea...