
Localization Problem Decimal Seperator

Is it possible that .NET uses on server A ',' as decimal seperator and on another server B '.'? + How can you detect this? When converting strings to doubles, on server A everything works fine, but on server B we have problems. Example: server A : 20,4 --> 20.4 server B : 20,4 --> 204 We would need to detect this so that on both serv...

Printing thousand seperated floats with GAWK

I must process some huge file with gawk. My main problem is that I have to print some floats using thousand separators. E.g.: 10000 should appear as 10.000 and 10000,01 as 10.000,01 in the output. I (and Google) come up with this function, but this fails for floats: function commas(n) { gsub(/,/,"",n) point = index(n,".") - 1 if ...

Vertical line spacer between two divs

Hi, So I have two divs. One left div with navigation links and one right div that populates with content depending on what link you click on the left. I would like to have a vertical gray line between the navigation and the content separating the two, but I need it to change in height depending on how long the right side content div is...

Rails RESTful resources using to_param for a field that contains separator characters

I want my Rails 2.3.2 app to respond to and generate URLs like so: /websites/ /websites/ In my config/routes.rb, I have: map.resources :websites, :has_many => :dns_records map.resources :dns_records, :belongs_to => :website I can then access resources such as: /websites/1 /websites/1/dns_records By ...

Adding line separator to Gridview

Hello, I’m relatively new to ASP.NET and SQL, so what I’m asking maybe a simple question for some, but not for me. What I have is a Grid View that I’m trying to populate softball hitting statistics with. In it I’ve stacked statistics yearly statistics on top of career totals at the very bottom of it. I’ve accomplished this by doing a...

How to exclude U+2028 from line separators in Python when reading file?

I have a file in UTF-8, where some lines contain the U+2028 Line Separator character ( I don't want it to be treated as a line break when I read lines from the file. Is there a way to exclude it from separators when I iterate over the file or use readlines()? (Besides reading t...

WPF ToolBar Separator shrinks to nothing when inside a StackPanel

Given the very simple wpf app <Window x:Class="Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="800"> <Grid> <ToolBar Height="50" > <MenuItem Header="Test1" /> <MenuItem Hea...

Eliminate Extra separators below UITableView - in iphone sdk?

When I set up the tableview say with 4 rows, there are still extra separators lines below the tableview (or extra blank cells) How would I remove these cells (like in this case I just need 4 top cells) tblView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] style:UITableViewStylePlain]; [tblView setDelegate:self...

Hiding UITableView separator behind the contentView

I made a grouped UITableView in iPhone OS 3.0 that looked like the left image. The result is the right image in OS 3.1. (I'm new so I can't use the 'img' tag...) The imageView is under the separators. I've tried to put the content view in front. The ...

How to make separator (Single Line) transparent in Tableview?

I have used table view in my application, and within that I have used the single line separator given by tableview. How can I make a transparent separator in a tableview? If anybody has any ideas/code snippets/useful links, I would greatly appreciate it. ...

UITableView separator lines disappear between cells on scroll

Problem: The separator between cells in a table view appear only for those cells shown when the view loads, and only at load time. When the tableview is scrolled down, the cells scrolled into view show no separator between them, then when the tableview is scrolled back up, the initial cells show no separator. Details: I've got a UITabl...

Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item

I've a ListView with items containing information about places with a rating and the distance to the current location. The items are sorted into groups: Group 1: within 500m Group 2: 500m - 1km Group 3: 1km - 1.5km ... Withing these groups the items are sorted by their rating. Now I put out these items via my custom adapter (extens...

Separator line in ASP.NET

Hi, I'd like to add a simple separator line in an aspx web form. Does anyone know how? It sounds easy enough, but still I can't manage to find how to do it.. 10x! ...

How do I insert ToolBar separators when binding ItemSource

I am binding a ToolBar to a collection of command view model objects. The objects in the collection have a property IsSeparator that when true I would like represented with a <Separator/> in the ToolBar. My basic markup looks like this: <ToolBar Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ToolBarCommands}"> <ToolBar.ItemTemplate> ...

WPF separator between grid buttons

I have a grid with 4 buttons...1 row, 4 columns. I am looking for a way to visually group the two buttons on the left from the two on the right. I was looking for a way to do this with a separator but it doesnt seem to be playing nice with Grid, preferring StackPanel. Is this the right control? If so, how does one make the thing separ...

VIM Autocomplete - Use $ as the word separator

Let's say I have following typed in my source file. var myFunction = function() { }; var anotherFunction = function() { }; var test-m I can now press Ctrl + P and it will show 'myFunction' in the autocomplete list. It's great and very helpful. But what I want to do is make VIM treat '$' in the same way it treats '-'. So when I typ...

Rails - iterate over db entries in one field, separated by linebreaks

Hi everyone, In my application I have a products model which has among other things four fields for image paths. I use this to build a slide show. However, I would love to have all those paths in one big text field and seperate them by whatever works (linebreak would be the easiest to handle in the form). I was thinking something li...

Cocoa Array of Objects to String

Hey there, I have an NSMutableArray of objects. Each object has a property called "Name". I want to join them together in a string with a separator " > ". So if the name property in each of the objects in my array is "one", "two" and "three" respectively, the result would be "one > two > three". Thanks, howie ...

Separator in ListView (WPF) ?

Hi guys. I'm gonna insert a Separator in a ListView in WPF , something like this : image I've used the following XAML code, but it dosn't work ! <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ListViewItemsCollections}"> <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Name" Width="200" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding GridView...

Data grid view header Grid color

This is a VB .NET application where we are showing the output of a SQL statement in a Datagrid view. using .NET 2005. We need to get the seperators of the headers on the grid control to be the same colors as the GridColor on the form. See the picture below: We've tried looking through all of the properties of the DataGridView contr...