
Is there a way to customize UITableView's separator line graphics?

I'm finding customizing UITableView's separator line graphics. It's basically a single line and it can be hidden. But I cannot know how to draw separator with my own custom graphics or image. Is there a regular way to do this? Or do I have to draw all myself and manage them manually? ... compare validators to allow comma and dot (both!) as decimal separator

I am using a compare validator, which validates that the entered number is a valid double and also validates it against a given value (greater than zero). I am validating money amounts. Because of the location where the app is used, the locale sets the comma as the decimal separator. The problem is that when a user enters the value using...

iPhone + UITableView + place an image for separator

Hello, I have UITableView in my application. Attributes: TableStyle = Plain, SeperatorStyle = single and SeperatorColor = black What I want to do is that, I want to put a image (which a small strip), as separator for the table. Please help me. Regards, Pratik ...

C# : having a "+" in the class name ?

Hello, class name: MyAssembly.MyClass+MyOtherClass The problem is obviously the + as separator, instead of traditionnal dot, its function, and to find official documentation to see if others separators exist Thank you in advance ! ...

R: How to separate character output in a loop?

I'm blanking on the best way to paste a list of strings together to go into an SQL statement... I'm having trouble with the separator bar | printing at the beginning when I don't want it to: foo = "blah" paste_all_together = NULL for (n in 1:4) { paste_together = paste(foo ,sep = "") paste_all_together = paste(paste_all_tog...

Clip UITableView Cell's Separator

I've been trying to build a view that looks similar to the "stocks" application (surprise). What I would like is to have the scroller bar outside of my rounded table view, shown in the image link below, but clip the cell separators. You can see how they overlap the scroller bar, which is annoying. I can't figure out how Apple put the ...

Arrays in javascript, how can i learn manipulating it?

I've read a lot about the core implementation of arrays in javascript and often I find that experimenting is the best way to learn, Right now i have multiple forms where you can type in different things, i want to be able to pull the value of each one and put it in an array so that i can later on read them in in a dynamically created di...

WPF Separator position

Hey, I'm using a Separator to draw a vertical line inside a Border. At first this was ok because the line needed to be centered, but now I need to position it at a custom x-position from the left border. Is there a way to do that? <Border x:Name="border" ClipToBounds="True" Background="White" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2"> ...

Java Line separator File .ext separator

i am wondering regarding Java: is there a file extension separator? like *.doc, the "." being the question. i know there is a line.separator. just would like my app to be portable so i need to know. thank you. ...

UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone does not hide blue separator line when selecting in UITableView

Before describing the problem, let me first point out that this is a distinct issue from this question. The Problem This screenshot was taken with a break set at tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:, and as you can see in the simulator (far right of the image), there's a single-pixel blue line at the bottom of the selected cell. This is ...

Meaning Of Etched Raised Separator in tableView

In tableView of Style grouped,what is the meaning of Etched Raised Separator? and how to use a 1 px line or "Etched Lowered" Styled line instead of Etched Raised separator. ...

How do I draw separators?

I am programming in C, using the Windows API, and would like to know how I could draw separators. I'm a total noob when it comes to writing GUI applications, so I may need a code example. Edit: Here's an illustration... ...

How can I get the directory (file path) separator in Perl?

In case of Java, we can get the path separator using System.getProperty("path.separator"); Is there a similar way in Perl? All I want to do is to find a dir, immediate sub directory. Say I am being given two arguments $a and $b; I am splitting the first one based on the path separator and joining it again except the last fragment and...

Vertical separator in WPF Ribbon

How can I add Vertical separator to WPF Ribbon, to RibbonGroup? I have tried something like that, but i got horizontal separator istead of vertical. <r:RibbonGroup> <r:RibbonButton Command="{StaticResource SomeButton}" /> <r:RibbonSeparator></r:RibbonSeparator> <r:RibbonToggleButton IsChecked="False" Command="{StaticResource Ano...

nmake u1034 separator missing

hi, i tried to execute make file with nmake in dos-prompt and got the following message: : fatal error U1034: syntax error : separator missing i took a look into the make file and the line 145 says: ifeq (@INSTALINFO_FOUND@,yes) i have absolutely no clue how to fix this ... any ideas? ...

Does the rowHeight of a UITableViewCell account for the height of its separator?

I have a custom UITableViewCell nib that has an image on the left side occupying the entire height of the cell (similar to the grouped table views in the iTunes app). I have noticed that sometimes the icons appear to obscure the separator line at the bottom of the cell they are associated with. My question is this: in computing the hei...

rails view helper each with separator

I'm sure I saw a while back a rails helper method where .each in the view accepts a separator such as a comma. So say I want: - @results.each do |result| = result.title #to output result 1, result 2, result 3 TIA ...

UITableViewCell separator not showing up.

I made a custom UITableViewCell in IB, but for some reason, despite the single line option for separator being selected, there are no separator lines on my table. Has this happened to any of you before? What gives? Thanks! ...

How can I get the Double.toString() behaviour AND thousands separator?

I want to add the thousands separator to a variable of type double. I have tried using String.format("%,f", x); and similar, but it seems to have a fixed number of decimal places, unlike Double.toString(). For example, with the value 1234.5: Double.toString(): 1234.5 String.format(): 1.234,500000 Desired: 1.234,5 ...

remove header separators lines in flash DataGrid (actionscript 2)

Hi, I have a DataGrid component in flash (actionscript 2). I want to remove the separators lines in the header of the grid- searched for hours with no luck. thanks. ...