
iPhone application : is-it possible to use a "double" slider to select a price range

I'm working on an iphone application (not web app) and I'd like to build a form asking a user to indicate a price range. Instead of using two text fields, I would prefer to use a double slider to set the minimum and the maximum price. I know that it is possible de use a simple slider (sound control for exemple) but i've never seen a dou...

WPF: Slider doesnt raise MouseLeftButtonDown or MouseLeftButtonUp

I tried this XAML: <Slider Width="250" Height="25" Minimum="0" Maximum="1" MouseLeftButtonDown="slider_MouseLeftButtonDown" MouseLeftButtonUp="slider_MouseLeftButtonUp" /> And this C#: private void slider_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { sliderMouseDown = true; } private void slider_MouseLeftButtonUp(obje...

How do you make a WPF slider snap only to discrete integer positions?

The title says it all. All too often I want a WPF slider that behaves like the System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar of old. That is, I want a slider that goes from X to Y but only allows the user to move it in discrete integer positions. How does one do this in WPF since the Value property on the Slider is double? ...

Twin Slider control .net

Has anyone seen a good twin slider control for .Net (Win forms or WPF). I'm looking for something that will allow me to select a range from within a set so the first slider would be the start of the range and the second would be the end. I remember seeing a Swing double slider but it was 6 years ago and I can't for the life of me remem...

IE Chopping off left of DIV

In IE6 the left of the #right-content DIV is cut off. I've been playing with it and can't get it to display properly. ...

JQuery Slider with interior Block Elements

I'm trying to build a similar 'slider' as demoed here but I'm trying to use interior divs inside of the list items (li). it seems as if this demo breaks if you're not using an image or block element (p,div,etc.) Anyone have any quick solutions to this? I basically want to use ...

JavaScript slider

I need to create a 'slider' for a client's site. The slider should allow people to select how many items they want of x item, and show what the price will be based on that. The weird(ish) part is that the ratio of the price increase will go down as the amount of items goes up: 1 item: $100 2 items: +90 = $190 3 items: + 80 = $270 4 ite...

Convert jquery slide effect to mootools

I have a script that slides a div down from behind the menu, when people click on the tab. However its in jquery and I want to use mootools (lots of reasons I wont go into here). However im stuck with mootools 1.1 at present. But for some reason my attempt is not working :( The html print("code sample"); <div id="panel"> <form a...

jquery one slider controls another

How do I make one jquery ui slider control another? If I slide slider #1, it should slide slider #2 also. ...

jQuery two sliders controlling each other

This is in reference to the question previously asked The problem here is, each slider controls the other. It results in feedback. How do I possibly stop it? $(function() { $("#slider").slider({ slide: moveSlider2 }); $("#slider1").slider({ slide: moveSlider1 }); function moveSlider2( e, ui ) { $('#slider1').slider( 'moveTo', Mat...

JQuery - Slider Tutorials

Does anyone know of some good tutorials that explain how to use the JQuery Slider. I've found a few, but none of them really present what I need in clear terms. What I really need to figure out how to do is make the slider go from 1.0 - 5.0 (including all tenths) and when it changes set a hidden control based on that value. Thanks. ...

JQuery Slider not passing tenths value

I have a JQuery slider that's working pretty well, but for some reason it's not passing the tenths value. $(document).ready(function(){ $("#scoreSlider").slider({ 'steps': 40, 'min': 1.0, 'max': 5.0, 'startValue': 3, 'slide': function(e, ui){ document.getElementById('div_score').innerHTML = u...

jQuery slider range

I am trying to use the range property of the jQuery slider so that the slider control displays two handles from which the user can select a price range for real estate. The code I have is: $("#price").slider({ range: true, minValue: 0, maxValue: 2000000, change: function(e, ui) { var range = (Math.round(ui.range) * 10) + " to " ...

How to style the slider control in WPF?

I want to style the slider control so that the height of the draggable thumb is set to 8 pixels. What is the simplest way to do this in WPF? <Slider> <Slider.Style> <!-- which xaml here? --> </> </Slider> ...

JQuery Slider - Call function after slide

I have a JQuery silder that I'm using to set the score on a web application. I orignally had it so that the user clicked a submit button, but the client now wants it to update AJAX style. This would work find, but the slide function gets call on every movement, so my AJAX script will send a score before the slider has finished being mo...

Javascript carousel/slider with customizable navgation

I am currently developing a site and have a need for a javascript-based carousel/slider hybrid on the home page that fades between 3 or 4 different images automatically, giving the user the chance to click on one and go to another page on the site. I also need the different slides to have some sort of navigation, denoted either by names ...

Adobe Flex reposition scrollbar slider programatically

Hi. I need to reposition the slider on a scrollbar programatically (not move the scrollbar, just the slider; i.e. reset it to top or left, etc.). Anybody figured this out? TIA- Perflexed ...

How can I set the value of a slider in jQuery?

I have a jQuery slider on my page having min -100 and max 100 and startValue 0. I want to provide a reset button which will reset the slider value to 0. I am not able to find any setter function to do that, how can I do this? ...

Date Selector in jQuery

Does anybody know if there's a jQuery based implementation for this (or similar) date slider? This one is a Prototype/Scriptaculous based solution and it's heavy in the size. ...

WPF Slider problems

I have seen this behaviour, on an old win32 app, where when you hold down the mouse at some position on the slider track (other than on the thumb), the thumb moves to that position. In WPF what seems to be happening is the thumb moves a distance defined either by SmallChange or LargeChange. If you keep holding, it moves by SmallChange/...