



Haven't started this one yet but I know I will have to tackle it in the next couple weeks..

I am creating a simple single-line toolbar (a horizontal StackPanel w/buttons) in Silverlight 2 and need to detect when the width of the browser starts colliding with the buttons.

Upon collision I will display an "overflow" indicator which is attached to a dropdown menu and moving the colliding buttons there.

Exactly like the IE toolbars..

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Something you could try would be wiring up an event in your Silverlight code to the browser's resize event:

void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.AttachEvent("resize", BrowserResized);

void BrowserResized(object sender, System.Windows.Browser.HtmlEventArgs e)
  //TODO: things

I found this link (here) that talks about getting the actual browser size from within Silverlight 2.

There maybe a simpler way, but at first pass, this seems like it could work.
