The approach described by Program.X is very good. This, of course, works if you're using a RadCombobox inside of a GridTemplateColumn in RadGrid.
RadGrid also provides a built-in GridDropDownColumn
that can automatically render a RadCombobox during edits. If you choose to use the built-in column type, you need to programmatically set the client-side event handlers for the rendered RadGrid, like this:
protected void RadGrid1_ItemCreated(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridItemEventArgs e)
//Find GridEditableItems when in Edit mode
if (e.Item is GridEditableItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode)
//Get reference to item (i.e. Row)
var item = e.Item as GridEditableItem;
//Get reference to auto-generated RadCombobox in
//specific column (in this case, a column called Title)
var rcb = item["Title"].Controls[0] as RadComboBox;
if (rcb == null)
//Customize the RadCombobox properities
rcb.OnClientSelectedIndexChanged = "onselectedindexchanged";
Where "onselectedindexchanged" is the name of a client-side JavaScript function on your page designed to handle the RadCombobox event.
Either of these approaches should enable you to achieve your goal.