
RadGrid Specify ComboBox skin on edit?

I have a grid and a skin specified for that and it works fine. However, on the contained GridDropDownColumn columns, when it shifts to edit mode, the combo box is created nicely, but does NOT inherit the skin of the grid as the text boxes do. This results is a mixture of font sizes in the edit row (inline edit). How can I tell the cre...

Adding RadComboBox to RadGrid Edit

I have added a RadControl, RadGrid and I need to add a radComboBox in the edit mode. When user clicks on the radComboBox, I need to get both "text" and "value" of the radComboBox to save to table when user updates values. <telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox1" Runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="do...

Using RadToolTip with RadComboBox without using ItemTempalte

Is there a way to connect a RadToolTip to each item within a RadComboBox (having a different tool tip come up for each item in the combo box) without having to use the ItemTemplate of the RadComboBox? The reason is because I like the built-in implementation of the combo box styles, etc. and don't want to write it all from scratch within...

RadComboBox dropdown below ONLY

Is there a way to force the dropdown of a RadComboBox to ONLY appear below and never above regardless of what the control feels would be the most visible? ...

Conditional Item Templates with RadComboBox

I have a RadComboBox that I am using to display department name and abbreviations. I am using an Item Template with a LinqDataSource to make each item appear as: DeptAbbr - (DeptName) Here is the code I am using to do this and it works fine: <telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbDepartments" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="True" O...

Using Telerik RadComboBox within a repeater

I have a repeater that contains a Telerik RadComboBox: <asp:Repeater ID="rpt" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcb" runat="server" EnableLoadOnDemand="true" AllowCustomText="true" ItemRequestTimeout="1000" NumberOfItems="10" MarkFirstMatch="false"> </telerik:RadCombo...

DropDownList + OnSelectedIndexChanged + AutoPostBack=False

hi my dear friends... is it possible to force dropdown list to fire OnSelectedIndexChanged event without AutoPostBack=True? i told that because i have some RadComboBoxes(telerik) In My Form i am controling their focus with JQuery such as this code when my form loads: <script src="../JQuery/jquery-1.4.1.js" language="javascript" type...

Telerik Rad Combo Box And How Take It's Focus Off

hi my dear friends: i have two radcombobox on my page and i am controling their focus by jquery... also i have some code on their OnClientFocus , therefore focus and blur are so important ... my aspx and jquery code are like this : (without RadComboBox -> OnClientFocus ) <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm4...

RadComboBox, how to get selectedItem

Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder() sb.Append("<script language=javascript>") sb.Append(" function SetValueInBody() {") sb.Append(" var _dllGetDynamicFieldKey = $find('" + _dllGetDynamicFieldKey.ClientID + "');") sb.Append(" alert('Set Value: ' + _dllGetDynamicFi...

Using the RadComboBox button, is it possible to populate a different combobox when one combobox makes a selection?

I have two combo boxes that are cascading. I would like to have it so that when I select something in ComboBox1, it will fire off a web method that automatically filters the list in ComboBox2. At the moment, I'm adding the value of ComboBox1 to the context key of the ComboBox2 web service when I'm firing it, however, I've noticed that...

Telerik RadSpell on a RadComboBox doesn't work?

Hi all, I have a RadComboBox with the AllowCustomText property set to true, and I need to provide users with the facility to spell check their entry. I've done this by simply adding a RadSpell control as follows: <telerik:RadComboBox ID="rcbsScopeOfWorkGroupDescription" runat="server" AppendDataBoundItems="true" AllowCu...

User controls and Viewstate

I have a user control where I display a telerik radgrid and some textboxes and radcombo boxes. My radcombo boxes lose view state on postbacks. The text boxes and the grid maintain their state, but not the combo boxes. Any clues why? I read somewhere that databound controls on user controls don't maintan their state on postbacks. Thi...

RadCombox Client Side Input ID Server Side

Hi All, Question 1 : RadComboBox i need to find the ID of the Input element at the Server side . The telerik provides a way to find the ID of the input element() client side. But i nned to find the ID at the server side . Question 2 : I have a radcombobox to a radgrid and am attaching a client event on itemdatabound for ex discCombo.OnC...

How to set the SelectedValue attribute of Telerik RadComboBox inside the FormTemplate of a RadGrid

I have what I think should be a straightforward question. I have a RadGrid with FormTemplate editing and AJAX enabled. One of the fields in the FormTemplate is a RadComboBox filled with U.S. State selections. I can bind the RadComboBox to the data source to populate all the items, but I'm not able to set the SelectedValue attribute. ...

jquery bind click event

I am having a problem with my code if (text.length < 1) { args.IsValid = false; $('#<% = cmdSaveRequest.ClientID()> %>').removeAttr('click'()); } else { $('#<% = cmdSaveRequest.ClientID()> %>').click(savingData()); args.IsValid = true; } when I as...

Updating the datalist in a RadComboBox

So I'm just struggling with a lot of little things in the web app so I'm checking up with all kinds of stuff to make sure i'm not breaking it cause of stupid problems. At some point in my web app (trying to keep it mostly Asynchronous) I have to update the list in my RadComboBox because something was added. Do I just need to call RadCom...

Telerik RadCombobox not keeping state when using client side requestItems() to load

Hi, I'm using the Telerik RadComboBox control. I have two related combos and when the user selects a value in the first one I filter the second one. I use the code below to achieve this: localeCombo = $find("<%= ddlLocale.ClientID %>"); localeCombo.requestItems(item.get_value(), false); This works totally fine, but when I do a postb...

Update a controls viewstate on an AJAX callback

I update a rad combo control using telerik calllback method described here The items in the list are changed on the callback and I want to maintain this filtered list after the postback. Is it possible to update the viewstate in the server side method? I think if I can access this i can then update both my list of items on the client a...

How to find a dynamically-generated HTML element?

I need to get the client-side instance of a RadComboBox (or the newly-selected value of a RadComboBox) when my RadGrid is leaving edit mode so I can post back the changed value to the server. The problem is, the client-side id of the object always changes. Also, the RadComboBoxes aren't created at runtime -- they're only created after ...

How to - each RadComboBox in column inside RadGridView with unique data?

Hi there. Here is what I want to achieve: I have RadGridView, let's call it gridView, with two columns - first contains ordinary text (GridViewDataColumn), second is a GridViewComboBoxColumn. Each row consist of property (first column) and possible values (displayed in comboBox in second column) which vary for each property. For example...