
How to display a form in any site's pages using a bookmarklet (like Note in Google Reader)?

In Google Reader, you can use a bookmarklet to "note" a page you're visiting. When you press the bookmarklet, a little Google form is displayed on top of the current page. In the form you can enter a description, etc. When you press Submit, the form submits itself without leaving the page, and then the form disappears. All in all, a very...

When would you use a Web User Control over a Web Custom Control?

Can someone explain when to use each of these? They almost seem interchangeable in many cases. The Custom Control gets added to the toolbar while the User Control (ascx) can not. The Custom Control does not get rendered in the Designer while the User Control does. Beyond that, how do you choose which is the right one to use? Als...

ASP.NET MVC Client Side Validation

I am all about using ASP.NET MVC, but one of the areas that I hope gets improved on is Client-Side Validation. I know the most recent version (Preview 5) has a lot of new features for Validation, but they all seem to be after the page has been posted. I have seen an interesting article by Steve Sanderson... using Live Validation, Castl...

Asp.Net -- adding option to select on client value in code behind on form submit

I'm quite confused by something. I've got 2 select lists, and if you choose an option in the first, I then load the 2nd with a certain set of options. I clear this out and repopulate it every time you change the selection in the first select element. Now, on postback, I need to know the value of the option that was selected in the 2nd...

Resetting visited status on links

Is there any way you can reset the visited status on links? The scenario is this: On an intranet-site which naturally has a lot of links we want a link to have the status of "visited" for a set period of time only. I am therefore looking for a way to manipulate the visited status of links. Is this doable? It should be cross-browser of ...

Client Java vs (Adobe) Flash for web applications, what to choose and when

A few years ago client Java was unsuitable for web development because a remarkable part of web users did not have Java installed. ( I don't remember exact numbers, more than 10%). Now I see the Google Analytics stats for a big site and it tells that >98% of users have Java installed. Is these stats very biased by Javascript usage? As...

Who's altering my DOM?

What might be changing the DOM of a web page after the browser receives the response? I'm seeing this behavior in the value of a hidden input element that holds a single-use form token. When I 'view source' in a browser, I see the correct value, as written out by the server. When I submit the form, view the current state of the DOM, or...

How to trim string in ClientValidationFunction

I am writing a client-side validation function for CustomValidator and I need to check length of entered string. But before, to counteract cheaters a little, I want to remove all leading and trailing spaces from the string. What is the easiest way to do it in this scenario? Thank you! ...

Advanced Search Form Validation in

I'm looking to make validation for a page in which one or more fields have a value in them. I have an advanced search form in and I'm trying to pop up an error and not post back if all the fields are empty. I've looked into required fields validators but I'm not sure how to make them work together in a AND type fashion instead ...

Determine which ASP.NET button was clicked using Javascript

What is the best way to determine which ASP.NET button was clicked on a single page using JavaScript? ...

Client-Side script to read and manipulate image from the web (details...)

I want to be able to use a Greasemonkey script that can take an image from a page, scan it for the darkest pixel, and then return those coordinates to the browser. Originally, I used a flash script... Greasemonkey embedded a local flash file that would fetch the image based on a URL in the source of the webpage, use ActionScript to get ...

ASP.NET/DataList: Client-side postback by clicking list elements

Hi, I have a DataList control that displays a set of elements. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can add some client-side functionality for submitting/doing a postback when the user clicks an element in the list (e.g. anywhere in the that is the root of the list element. I've seen some examples by adding a hidden Link...

Pagination: Server Side or Client Side?

What is it best to handle pagination? Server side or doing it dynamically using javascript? I'm working on a project which is heavy on the ajax and pulling in data dynamically, so I've been working on a javascript pagination system that uses the dom - but I'm starting to think it would be better to handle it all server side. What are e...

is there a client side (javascript) graph library that doesn't require a server?

I need to generate many internal client-side (within the company only) graphs from streams of data, and since the data itself is "secret", I can't use a service like Google-Graphs for generating the graphs. So I was wondering if anyone has some recomendations for a javascript graph library that doesn't require a server. Thanks ...

How to keep your table from "flexing" in IE6/7

I have some tabular data with some functionality to "view details" that fires off an ajax call to append a few new elements to the DOM (usually I insert another TR just after the selected row and innerHTML or append inside a TD with a colspan. My question is this, in IE6/7 my columns flex. Currently I don't have a "static" width per co...

What is the best way to measure Client Side page load times?

I'm looking to monitor the end user experience of our website and link that with timing information already logged on the server side. My assumption is that this will require javascript to to capture time stamps at the start of request (window.onbeforeunload) and at the end of loading (window.onload). Basically this - "Measuring Web appl...

Use of a microphone is Asp.Net application

Hi, Since SilverLight doesn't natively supports the use of microphone, is there a workaround I can use to get a live stream of what the user said in his microphone. I need to access to a audio stream (from the user client microphone) that a server class (c#) will use. I look to use Flash or Java applet, but it's all seems to be pretty...

What JavaScript library to use for client-side form checking?

Over the years, I've dabbled in plain JavaScript a little, but have not yet used any JavaScript/AJAX libraries. For some new stuff I'm working on, I would like to use a js library to do client-side form validation, and want to know which would be best for that. By best, my criteria would be: quick and easy to learn, small footprint, c...

How can a web page communicate with a local rich client application

Hi, I need to implement a process where users punch in a few details into a web page, and have this information fired as some sort of an event to a Java rich client application (SWING) on the same host. One idea was perhaps implementing an applet that would initiate socket communication with a listener implemented by the SWING applicat...

User created Validator wont call Client side validation Javascript on 'complex' user control.

Hi All, I have created a user control (from System.Web.UI.UserControl), and created my own validator for the user control (from System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseValidator). Everything works ok until I try to get the user control to do client side validation. While trying to debug this issue I have set 'Control to Validate' to a text box ...