
How to convince my fellow .NET developers that learning jQuery will be beneficial

I have a few .NET developers who only want to use the MS AJAX Toolkit and think JavaScript (and any JS Library) is evil. I tried to explain that if you treat client-side development like a grown-up language you can build maintainable code ... but I assume that the classic ASP days have left a mark on these guys. Anyone have a suggestio...

Detecting presence of NET Framework on client's PC via .aspx

Hello, is there any way of checking with an ASP.NET webpage if the client pc has the NET framework 2.0 installed? ...

Client-Side validation with groups

I have several tabs that are loaded via ajax, and each one has a set of validators. I want to allow the user to change tabs only if the tab is valid I thought setting a validationgroup to the validators and then check for the specific group like this, would work: function validatePage(group) { return Page_ClientValidate(group); } ...

ASP.NET MVC Client Validation with jQuery using Html.ValidationMessage?

I am trying to tap into the HTML.ValidationMessage() element to write so really custom client side validation with jQuery. Is this even possible? My server side validation is displayed using the HTML.ValidationMessage(), and I am wondering how I would access that element to display a custom message using jQuery before a form submit. I...

Using cookies to synch online and offline applications

I am working on an application that will have online and offline components and would like to get some opinions on how I am planning to do this. Feel free to give me some tough love if this is a ridiculous idea as I would like to learn as much as possible with this :o) Here are is an outline for what I am trying to accomplish... Clie...

Java WebDAV client side library

What Java WebDAV client side library could you recommend? ...

database entry through javacsript

Hi All, I'm need to know can i connect db through javascript? Actually, the last action where i end is done through javacsript. Now, i need to make some entries(extracted through javascript) in the database where last action stops. How can this be done? Khushi ...

I need to persist data on the client side (about 1M)

I need to persist my data on the client side, without it moving back and forth in each request (Kills the cookies option). I can't use special plugins/extensions. One thought I had was to generate a dynamic JS file with the needed data for the current session of the user and make sure it is cached. There is a small problem with that, as...

ASPX server-side function call after client-side user confirmation?

Maybe I'm searching with the wrong keywords, but I can't find a solution to this. I've got an ASPX page on which, within an <asp:Repeater> I want to insert a button (per item) that will: ask (JS "confirm") the user if they really want to proceed, then call a method on the page class passing in the ID (Guid) from that item. I can do ...

.net activeX equivalent

Is there a pure .NET replacement for ActiveX? I'm asking if there is a way for me to write a thick client side control to be loaded and interacted with in a web page in .NET, with NO com. Edit: I don't want ActiveX in pure .NET, I want a .NET alternative to ActiveX. ...

Measuring when only certain page elements have loaded

We use a modified version of Jiffy to measure actual client-side performance. The most important thing we do is measure the time between when the request was received and when the page load event fires in the browser. On some pages we have iframe elements that point to external sites that we don't control - they sometimes take a long w...

How do you avoid duplication of validation on the server and client-side?

How do you avoid duplication of validation on the server and client-side? Is there a web programming platform that generates one from the other, so I don't have to keep the two in sync? ...

Logic behind drag and drop

I am wondering the "how it works" and "how it should be designed and implemented" side of the basic drag & drop functionality. I have never yet implemented such a functionality. I am planning to do so for one of my projects and I do have some ideas on how to implement it. I wanted to make sure I am on the right path and that you people...

Web Applications: Client-side domain logic

We see more and more work for web-applications done on client side. UI manipulation, input-pre-validation (not as last resort of validation, of course), widgets, effects, etc, etc. What if one decides to put domain logic on client side written in Javascript/GWT/anything else? The server just provides database infrastructure. Does this ...

Javascript and ASP.NET 2.0: How can I know if the page is valid (after validation takes place) in Javascript code on the client?

I need to know if all the client-side validator checks have succeeded, or if one or more validators are not valid. I suppose there should be a variable on the client-side (like its counterpart Page.IsValid on the server) that reports whether the page is valid. Am I right? Anyone any ideas? ...

how to truncate HTML encoded text without truncating encoded characters using javascript

I need to write some client-side javascript for a webpage that will truncate the text inside a div, when the onclick event for a button is fired (the purpose of the button is so that users can toggle the displayed text between complete and truncated versions). There won't be any HTML tags in the text, but there may be HTML encoded charac...

Client-side XSLT

I converted my whole site to XML/XSL and I would like to know all of the current issues with performing Client-side XSLT. Here are the ones i already know of (from first-hand experience): Cross-domain XSL files (this is a security issue and not cross browser) disable-output-escaping (this does not work in FF... they consider it a secu...

What web sites are there that gives you the "Developer" the ability to block clients from changing html?

I use to know what it was called but it was years ago. The site basically allowed the developer to add an ID or Class inside tags to let the site know the client is only able to make changes to the code between tags with a certain ID or Class. I hope someone knows. This is killing me. ...

Moving from Page A to Page B in Asp.Net. What is the "Best" way?

Hello, I have a user on what we will call PageA.aspx. This user needs to get to PageB.aspx. The obvious way is have a hyperlink that simply sends them to PageB.aspx. That got me thinking about the other ways to get between pages. One could use javascript to do a client side jump. There is also the seemingly bulky server side redire...

Client Side Event when child window is changing parent location?

Ok, so here's the deal: Currently we have a page that calls a popup window and there is a link in that popup that redirects the parent page to another location. That all works just fine. CURRENT: PRODUCT PAGE <--> POPUP However, I am creating a new feature where the main page calls a new child window for product details. That produc...