
Different item template for each item in a WPF List?

I have many items inside a list control. I want each item to have a different item template depending on the type of the item. So the first item in the list is a ObjectA type and so I want it to be rendered with ItemTemplateA. Second item is a ObjectB type and so I want it to have ItemTemplateB for rendering. At the moment I can only use...

WPF Trigger for IsSelected in a DataTemplate for ListBox items

Hi, I have a listbox, and I have the following ItemTemplate for it: <DataTemplate x:Key="ScenarioItemTemplate"> <Border Margin="5,0,5,0" Background="#FF3C3B3B" BorderBrush="#FF797878" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="5"> <DockPanel> <DockPanel DockPanel.Dock="Top" Margin="0,2,0,0"> ...

ASP.NET Repeater Template, Conditional Code for every Nth element

I'm using an repeater to create a bunch of images. The image markup is all the same so the standard <ItemTemplate> is fine. However, I want to wrap K images in a div. Lets say I bind 25+ images to the repeater and I want 5 images per div. How do I go about conditionally creating the start and close tags for the div? Is this a...

multiple userControl instances in tabControl

I have a tabControl that is bound to an observable collection. In the headerTemplate, I would like to bind to a string property, and in the contentTemplate I have placed a user-control. Here's the code for the MainWindow.xaml: <Grid> <Grid.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="contentTemplate"> <local...

How do I embed the ItemTemplate for a wpf ListBox into the Window's resources?

Hello all, Sorry if this is a basic question, but how can I take an ItemTemplate that I have for a ListBox, and put it in the resources for the window so that more than one ListBox can use it. Here's some XAML: <Window x:Class="Example"> <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="dtExample"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate>...

Find ItemTemplate control in TreeView

My tree definition is: <TreeView Name="tree" ItemsSource="{Binding Children}" > <TreeView.ItemTemplate> <HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Children}"> <CheckBox Name="foo"></CheckBox> </HierarchicalDataTemplate> </TreeView.ItemTemplate> </TreeView> Having a TreeViewItem element, I try t...

WPF - ItemTemplate not acting as expected.

I have a UserControl which I'm using to display a list of UIElements. The control consists of a single ItemsControl with it's ItemPanelTemplate switched for a horizontal StackPanel, its ItemsSource bound to a DependencyProperty exposed by the UserControl and its ItemTemplate set in the UserControl.Resources. Everything works fine exc...

How to make a ListBox.ItemTemplate reusable/generic

I'm fairly new to WPF and trying to understand how best to extend the ListBox control. As a learning experience, I wanted to build a ListBox whose ListBoxItems display a CheckBox instead of just text. I got that working in a basic fashion using the ListBox.ItemTemplate, explicitly setting the names of the properties I wanted to databind ...

ASP.NET - printing a label only sometimes in a DataList with ItemTemplate

I'm working on a project which will pull data from two different tables, Events and Travel Times. I'm displaying it in a DataList using ItemTemplate. Almost all of the information displayed in the DataList will be from Events and will always be displayed. The data from Travel Times will only be shown if it falls within a certain range of...

How to check the child td in Datalist

Hi All, I have a Datalist. Following is the structure of the ItemTemplate: <ItemTemplate> <div id="driversGrid" runat="server" style="width:3500px;" > <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="3500px"> <tr> <td id="Td1" runat="server" style="visibility:hidden;"...

Repeater ChildControls ItemTemplate ViewState Persistence

Hi, I try to create a ItemTemplate for my Repeater with a tree of child controls inside an ItemTemplate. The problem is I can't find a way to persist all my controls. Each time that there is a postback, my controls are lost. I tried many things but I didn't find a way. Is anybody can help me? Here is the code that I use : Here where ...

Keep getting extra added in details view

I am unable to edit Gender lookup field. I am having problem with post back edits. Every time I edit, the row YourGender keeps getting repeated. I am getting null values for GenderLookup value field. What is the right way to populate dynamically this look up in detailsview control. How does the get request and post back request with this...

ComboBox with ItemTemplate that includes a button

So, lets say I have a ComboBox with a custom data template. One of the items in the data template is a button: <ComboBox Width="150" ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}"> <ComboBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button Content="ClickMe" /> </DataTemplate> </ComboBox.ItemTemplate> </ComboBox> The problem...

How can I use a custom TabItem control when databinding a TabControl in WPF?

I have a custom control that is derived from TabItem, and I want to databind that custom TabItem to a stock TabControl. I would rather avoid creating a new TabControl just for this rare case. This is what I have and I'm not having any luck getting the correct control to be loaded. In this case I want to use my ClosableTabItem control in...

Binding TabControl.Items to MenuItem

I'm using a TabControl as my main workspace in an application, and I'd like to add a "Window" menu item that lists the headers of open tabs. The active (i.e. - focused) tab should be checked. I've tried using an ItemsTemplate as follows: <MenuItem Header="_Window" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=ux_workspace, Path=Items}...

How can I get StackPanel to use an ItemTemplate?

In the following code, I tell the ComboBox to use the DataTemplate called CustomerTemplate by assigning its ItemTemplate attribute. StackPanel, however, doesn't have an ItemTemplate attribute. How can I get the StackPanel to also use CustomerTemplate? <Window.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="CustomerTemplate"> <StackPanel O...

WPF - Implement ItemTemplate for an ItemsPresenter?

I've been working on a SplitButton control for WPF and its basically done, but I'm trying to go through all the possible properties that can be set on it and make sure they are actually implemented. I mostly have only two properties left to implement which is the ItemTemplate and ItemTemplateSelector (and AlternationCount, okay so 3 prop...

What Does this MSDN Sample Code Do? - ItemsControl.ItemTemplate

This is a XAML code sample taken from the MSDN library article for the ItemsControl.ItemTemplate property: <ListBox Width="400" Margin="10" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myTodoList}}"> <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <StackPanel> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=TaskName}" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Descripti...

How can I make a column in a listbox in WPF the same width for all items?

I have a ListBox with an ItemTemplate consisting of a TextBlock and a ComboBox. The problem is that the width of the text inside the TextBlock is not the same for each item and the ComboBox controls are not aligned. How can I set the TextBlock in the template so all items are the same width, that is the one of the widest? Here is my xam...

Using ItemTemplate for a TreeView when adding items in code

I'm adding TreeViewItems manually in code behind and would like to use a DataTemplate to display them but can't figure out how to. I'm hoping to do something like this but the items are displayed as empty headers. What am I doing wrong? XAML <Window x:Class="TreeTest.WindowTree" xmlns="