
Disappearing checkbox label in ASP.Net 3.5 DetailsView control

I have a web form with a button and a DetailsView control on it. In the button's click event I change the DetailsView control to insert mode so I can add records: DetailsView1.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Insert) Everything works fine, except for a checkbox in the DetailsView. When the DetailsView goes into insert mode, the text describi...

Using ButtonField or HyperLinkField to write a cookie in ASP.NET

I currently have a DetailsView in ASP.NET that gets data from the database based on an ID passed through a QueryString. What I've been trying to do now is to then use that same ID in a new cookie that is created when a user clicks either a ButtonField or a HyperLinkField. What I have in the .aspx is this: <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsVi...

Upload Image to Database From DetailsView Insert Mode

I am attempting to upload an image to a database via a DetailsView containing an UploadFile control in the Edit Item template. I have a stored procedure which handles the upload to a SQLServer DB which expects two parameters: AuthorName, varchar(20) and AuthorImage, varbin(20). The DetailsView is associated with a SQLDataSource: Author...

How do I make a DetailsView CheckBoxField visible in edit mode in IE6?

<%-- In IE6, in edit mode, the checkbox isn't visible --%> <asp:DetailsView ID="MyDetailsView" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="100%" AutoGenerateRows="False" SkinID="detailsViewSkin" DataKeyNames="SerialNumber" DataSourceID="DetailsObjectDataSource"> <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="Active" HeaderText="Active" SortExp...

How do I link to an ASP:DetailsView's Insert mode via an external page

Unlike many of the ASP.NET documentation and examples, I'm doing a gridview list on one page, and it links to a 2nd page to do the edit/update view, sending the ID for the record in the GET string. On my edit/update view, I'm using an ASP:DetailsView for viewing, editing and inserting records. All of this works fine. On the detailsV... panel statement

Hi, am having trouble with visible attribute of an panel. Basically I have a page that calls a database table and returns the results in a detailsview. However, some of the values that are returned are null and if so I need to hide the image thats next to it. I am using a panel to determine whether to hide or show the image but...

Master/Details view with XmlDataSources

Hi, I have a basic test web form with a DataList and a DetailsView and two XmlDataSource components for each of them. The binding of the DataList to the underlying XML document was easy to set up, but I'm struggling with getting the DetailsView hooked up. The idea is that there is a master/details relationship between the two bindable ...

Removing [selected] borders in a DetailsView control

I have a DetailsView control which includes several rows that form an address. Ideally I'd like to 'merge' the Address row with the following two rows - essentially removing the borders between them. I'm guessing that I could use a asp:TemplateField to create an approximate solution (use a single row, but us line breaks in the seconf (d...

How can I work around the fact that I can't put a code block in a skin file?

I have a page I'm writing and I'm perplexed by this problem. I have 3 DetailViews that I bind with LINQ. The binding works great. Now, I have a Skin file that I want to use to layout the DVs, and it looks like this. <asp:DetailsView SkinID="blogViews" runat="server" Width="100%" CssClass="post" AutoGenerateRows="False" GridLine... - sqldatasource - detailsview - use stored proc to insert record

I am trying to use stored proc to insert record using detailsview and sqldatasource. I get the following error: Procedure or function 'CustRec_iu' expects parameter '@firstname', which was not supplied. My detailsview definition is as follows: <asp:DetailsView ID="dvCustDetails1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSource... sqldatasource detailview: how to set proper select statement

My page load event looks like this.... SqlDataSource1.ConnectionString = Connection.ConnectionStr; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "select firstname,lastname from customer"; SqlDataSource1.InsertCommand = "CustRec_iu"; SqlDataSource1.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlDataSource1.Inse...

detailsview: insert / update single record

I want to implement the following scenario... Table related to this question is as follows: ProfileID int (identity) FirstName varchar(100) LastName varchar(100) step 1. User visits profiles.aspx page. Here in a grid view, he can see other people profiles. (I know how to do this.) Step 2. User visits MyProfile.aspx page. Since his ...

detailsview: automatic invoke insert or edit mode...

Table structure is as follows: id int identity firstname varchar(100) lastname varchar(100) I have an detailsview control that displays/inserts/updates firstname lastname on profile.aspx page. If customer lands on this page with id in querystring then I want it to load that record into detailsview via sqldatasource and have edit bu...

Displaying information with fields and values: ListView, GridView, FormView???

I just want to show some data for a user (name, email, address, identifier, entry date) on an page. Which ASP.NET control would be the most suited for this? ...

ASP DetailsView, conditionally hide show controls and row?

Hi, I conditionally hide/show panels in a DetailsView... I want to also hide/show the DetailsView row/field that the panel is contained in because it is currently displaying empty rows when the panels are hidden? ASCX: <asp:DetailsView> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:panel runat="server" ID="pnlHideShow" OnInit="OnInit_...

How set panel Default Button that is inside a details view in

<asp:panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"> <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" .... <asp:templatefield ShowHeader="False"> <insertitemtemplate> <asp:Button ID="btnAdd" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Insert" Text="Insert"></asp:Button> ... <asp:DetailsView> </asp:panel> and i write the code for setting the panels d...

Telerik equivalent for DetailView

Is there a telerik equivalent for DetailView. Or can i customize a detailview to include telerik controls for editing (with minimum effort) ...

Getting index of a gridview when hyperlinkfield is clicked

Hi, I have a web app(ASP.NET 2.0 using C#) that I am working on. In it, I have a gridview with a hyperlinkfield on a page(My_Page.aspx). When the Hyperlinkfield is clicked, it shows details on the same page. <asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ID" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="My_Page.aspx?id={0}" ...

Can I add an additional action to a DetailsView in ASP.NET?

Currently I have a DetailsView attached to a GridView. When you select an item from the GridView the details show up in the DetailsView (duh). Right now there are 3 event options on the DetailsView: Edit, Delete, and New. I would like to add a 4th, Format. This will simply run some queries and then perform a delete. Is this possible and ... How to better load Details view fields programmatically instead of copy/paste

I have the following code for each lookup table. So far I am doing copy/paste for each drop down list control. But I think there is a better way of doing this. I should be able to specify DataTextField, DataValueField, control names etc. Of course I will have to manually add configuration related database values on the database side like...