
Update Method Not Firing DetailsView Object Data Source

Hi, I am trying to write an page that uses a details view to display customer details and allows customers to update those details by editing the various fields and clicking update. The problem I am having is that when I click update the select method is being called and not the update method. I have a class where the update an...

how to modify data in a DetailsView Databound event

I'm using a detailsview with an sqldatasource in the aspx page. I'm trying to do some pre and post processing on some of the fields - basically to convert a html list to a newline separated list for editing and back to html to store in the database. The post-processing in ItemUpdating is easy enough but the pre-processing in DataBound i... use details view if 1 record is returned and gridview if more than one record

I'm using a details view and a sqldatasource control to populate it. Every once in a while i get an error message because more than one row is returned. How can I have the data display in a gridview instead if more than one row is returned? ...

How to change command button titles in Asp:DetailsView

I'm using an asp:DetailsView control with auto generated "Edit" and "Insert" buttons. So far its been working reasonably well. However the client has asked that the "Update" and "Insert" labels be changed to "Save". At this point I can see two options: Trap the mode changes for the view and "find" the controls to modify them as appro...

Remove a Parameter from DetailsView ItemUpdating

Here's the setup I have a DetailsView whose DataSource is an ObjectDataSource. The ObjectDataSource has two methods, select and update, that are stored procedures defined in a TableAdapter. The Select stored procedure takes 1 parameter--the record id--and returns the fields populated in the DetailsView. The Update stored procedure t...

Simple Detail View Help?

Im having major problems with Detail views and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I would like to add a detail view to an app like apples advancetableviewcells. So once you click on a cell, it leads you to the detail view. Only catch is, it has to load the data from the cell into the detail view also. I've look...

Duplicate display of a DetailsView when going to EDIT / INSERT mode

I have a DetailsView with several fields. On the same page, I have both LinkButton that enables to go in edit or insert mode for the DetailsView. When I click on a button, linked code-behind is doing the following : switch (buttonCmd.ID) { case "cmdEdit": DetailsView1.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Edit); ...

Data not loading in Detail View

Im trying to get my data to load in my detail view. Can any one take a look and see why it isnt showing? It loads fine in my rootviewcontroller, just not the detail view. DetailViewController.m #import "DetailViewController.h" @implementation DetailViewController - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarni...

ASP.NET OnDataBinding event for EditItemTemplate DropDownList

I have a dropdownlist control in an edititemtemplate for a details view defined like this: <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Primary Use"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPrimaryUseEdit" runat="server" OnDataBinding="DropDownList_DataBinding" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("PrimaryUse") %>' ToolTip="Primary Use"> <asp:List...

Search database with textbox/button, display record in detailsview and update fields

Hello, I am trying to do all on one page. There are 3 textboxes and 3 buttons, one sqldatasource and one detailsview. Sqidatasource is configured to take parameters from textboxes and ingnore blank textboxes to be able to search by one (any) field at the time. When I do "test query" in sqldatasource - everything is working. Deatailsview ...

How to tell if a DetailsView is dirty.

I have a page with two UpdatePanels with UpdateMode=Conditional. The first contains a treeview. The second, a DetailsView. The TreeView is used to select the record to edit in the UpdatePanel by dropping the product into the session the getting the panel to update. All works nicely. protected void Select_Change(Object sender, Ev...

How do I reset a tabcontoller with a drill down table view

Hi, I have a tabbar with one of the tabs containing a drilldown table. I am having problems once the user has finished using the drilldown table. If they change to another tab, then change back to the original tab, the original tab is still where I left it (at the bottom of the drill down showing the detail view) What I want is on mov...

sqlite3 update text in uitextview

i had the sqlite statement ready for update..but i am confuse about grabbing text from uitextview and updating it..and i waned to update it using a do i carry on after creating the sql statement???kinda lost..any new solution is appreciate.. - (void) saveAllData { if(isDirty) { if(updateStmt == nil) { const c...

How do I retrieve readonly values when using a DetailsView control to update a record?

I'm using a detailsview control to update a record, however in this particular case there's only one field that can be changed out of a many. The update method for my object takes all fields as parameters. When the detailsview's updating method fires, the values for the readonly fields (those rendered as a Label) are not available in the...

Why does the UpdateMethod in ObjectDataSource only receive values for properties from visible controls in DetailsView?

I've written a class that contains Select- and Update-Methods for an ObjectDataSource. The UpdateMethod receives an instance of a called class. My problem is, that only properties that are Bound in the DetailsView are set, the others have their default value. Here's my code: Class declaration: public class Foo { public string Prop...

Looping throughout the controls contained inside a row of a DetailsView control

When DetailsView is in edit mode, it automatically displays ( inside its last row ) an Update button. We can find this button inside ItemCreated event handler using the following code: protected void dvwPoll_ItemCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Control ctl in dvwPoll.Rows[dvwPoll.Rows.Count - 1].Controls[0].Contro...

Conditions on the DetailsView

What is the best way of implementing conditions (requiring fields based in other fields) in a DetailsView? I have this: protected override ICollection CreateFieldSet(object dataItem, bool useDataSource) { var country = new BoundField(); country.DataField = "Country"; country.ReadOnly = ViewState["DifferentAddre...

Changing display style in a Page

I am using a DetailsyView which needs to have some fields hidden until there are some selections made. I was looking the way to do this via the following: Apply a class to the BoundField Controls that I need to hide. Change the display style to 'none' in the class programmatically in the OnLoad method. On the Prerender method check if...

How to create a custom button in a DetailsView in ASP.NET?

Hi! I am a newbie in ASP.NET. I just want to ask if it is possible to create a button or hyperlink in a DetailsView. I know that there are Edit, Delete, etc. in a DetailsView, but I want to create another button or hyperlink for my own function. Actual Scenario: I have a DetailsView connected in a temporary sql server table via ObjectDa...

Binding a DropDownList inside a DetailsView

Hello, I'm having problems trying to populate a dropdownlist from the database. When I'm trying to set the datasource I can't find the dropdown control, it's in a DetailsView so I think it might have something to do with it only being created when it's in edit mode. It still says it's in current mode when I'm editing though, so not sure...