
Looking for tutorials on iPhoneCoreDataRecipes App

I am finding it very difficult to grasp how the Views are loaded and wired with the TabBarController in the iPhoneCoreDataRecipes App. Does anyone have any pointers on how to learn the concepts presented in this Apple sample App? I have read the other items on Apple developer site. - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *...

hiding TabBar when rotating iPhone device to landscape

Hi, So here is what i have: A UITabBarController that handles different UIViewControllers. In one of the UIViewController i am trying to switch the view being displayed when the device rotates to landscape. the important part is that the view displayed in landscape MUST take the whole screen... I have correctly implemented the methods :...

iphone tab bar controller and core data.

Ok bit of a newbie type question. I want to use Core Data, together with Tab and Navigation controllers. In XCode if I create a Navigation Based Application I get the option to choose Core Data. Whereas If I create a Tab Bar Application I don't get the choice. I understand that Tab Bars display view controllers so it kinda makes sen...

multitouch not working in uitabbar controller

Hi, I wrote a Simple View Controller with multi touch function (swipe left, swipe right). It works fine if I set it to window directly. But after I added a tab bar controller and add this Simple View in its selected view, the multi-touch event won't get fired any more. Please help. Thanks. ...

self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?!

I do this in a UIViewController for one of my tabs: self.title = @"Welcome"; However, it's overwriting whatever I have for the tabBarItem. I have tried: self.tabBarItem.title = @"Home"; and [self.tabBarItem initWithTitle:@"Home" image:[UIImage imageNamed:@"iconHome.png"] tag:0]; But still, self.title overwrites the tabBarItem, r...

Show a loading view and switching to TabBarController in iPhone app

Hi, I'm developing an iPhone application that have a TabBarController with two tabs. Each tab contains a UIWebView that loads a web page from my web site. I want to add a view that will function as a welcome screen that doesn't show the TabBarController itself (full screen view) and indicates that the application is being loaded. Afte...

How to prevent the view controllers in a tab bar controller from rotating?

I have a tab bar controller managing 4 tabs. I have subclassed the tab bar controller so that the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method only allows a specific view controller in one of the tabs to rotate. Everything works almost fine: the controllers in the remaining tabs do not rotate. However, when the view controller which is...

UISearchDisplayController,UINavigationController,UITabBarController Woes

Hey everyone, running into a bit of an issue, I have created all my views through IB, with the main window having a NavigationController, and a TabBarController which loads a TableViewController in its first tab. The problem happens when i use the searchbarcontroller in the navigation controller, everything works fine with the exceptio...

UIScrollView with tabbarconroller

I am using a nib file and in that I am using a view which is UIScrollView.And my UIscrollView is in UItabbarcontroller.But I dont know how to scroll the view.can anybody guide me how to scroll the view in Tabbarcontroller. ...

iPhone Calling View Controller Method from UITabBarController Selection Crash

I have a tab bar set up which I would like to call a refresh method from a view controller each time that view controller is tapped. However, when I try calling this method from the App Delegate it crashes on a line in the refresh method containing a string from the view controller. I figure that if I'd be able to call the shouldSelectVi...

Open a view over the tabbarcontroller

Hi, this a very basic question but i don't know how to make pop a view over the tabbarcontroller for exemple i got a tabbar and i got a 'add' baritembutton and i want a view to come from down and don't see the tabbar anymore. thx ...

remove a presentModalViewController

hi , i have posted how to show a modalViewController but now i need to remove it and come back to my tabbarController with the view he was. thx ...

How do I reset a tabcontoller with a drill down table view

Hi, I have a tabbar with one of the tabs containing a drilldown table. I am having problems once the user has finished using the drilldown table. If they change to another tab, then change back to the original tab, the original tab is still where I left it (at the bottom of the drill down showing the detail view) What I want is on mov...

Switch from a View (Login) to another View with a TabBarController

Hi, i'm new at Iphone SDK Developing and now i need some help. I have a LoginView where the User have to authentificate his legitimacy. After he enter his Username and Passwort he click on the "Sign In" Button. Then i want to load my "Real-App". Here is the Problem because i can't switch from the LoginScreen to the TabBarController. I ...

iPhone TabBar selection cancelling

I am developing an iPhone app that displays several views, all acessed via Tab Bar items. However I need to add an additional item to the Tab Bar that simply launches a URL in Safari. I've accomplished this by adding an empty placeholder view to the TabBar and returning FALSE from shouldSelectViewController when the this view's tabBarI...

viewDidAppear called when popping navigationController

I'm having a bit of a problem with the viewDidAppear: method. I have a tabBarController with navigationControllers on each tab, and I have an action that requires that all the navigation controllers pop to their rootViewControllers (programmatically). The problem is that when they pop each navigation controller, the rootViewController's...

How to hide tabbar for some pages and make it visible again?

I've got an application that uses a Tab Bar Controller along with a Navigation Controller.But for some pages I want to hide both bars(Tab & navigation) after that those will be visible again...I am able to hide navigation bar & also done with making. it appear after some pages. I am able to hide tab bar with - (BOOL)hidesBottomBarWhenPu...

How to display the UIActionSheet view from above Tab Bar Controller?

Hi Guys , I need to display the action sheet above the Tab Bar controller. I mean, I would be able to see the Tab Bar controller even the action sheet view is in visible mode. So, Please suggest how to view from above the Tab Bar controller. Is it possible. secondly, How to change the back ground color of action sheet and cancel butto...

Core data and TabViewController

In my project I'm using a tabBarController, then on one of my tabs, I add a navigation controller. The problem I'm having is this: If I use this code in the AppDelegate: (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application...

Loading contents of TableView Controller after showing Tab

Hello, I have a 4 tabbar application. The second tab has a tableviewController. When i select the second tab the tableview is displayed with it's contents and it works fine. The problem is that that data is comming from the network and it talks 2-3 seconds to load. So when i press the second tab it goes there after the contents have be...