
Customizing UIActionSheet

In the Twitterific app, there's a control that looks like UIActionSheet but it looks customized. I would like to know how to make a view that similar look & feel with the buttons in a horizontal row instead of the default vertical. Any one have any suggestions to a link for a tutorial or sample code to get started on this? The standa...

UIActionView display wrongly

I have a UIActionSheet that pops up as soon as the initial view in my iPhone app loads if there is data that can be sync'd back to a web service. The trouble is that the UIActionSheet is popping up too high - exactly half the tab bar is exposed beneath the action sheet. I'm not aware that this is caused by styling? Can anyone offer an...

Showing a UIActionSheet

I was wondering how to show a UIActionSheet from the bottom of the screen. I have tried using the showInView: method with MainView as the view to show it in but I get the MainView Undeclared error. ...

How do I make a UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet

Just want to know how I would make a UIPickerView in a UIActionSheet with a simple array. ...

How to customise the Button on UIActionSheet ?

Hi. I want to change width & height, etc. of the button of UIActionSheet UIActionSheet *sheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:nil destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:@"Done",nil]; Any Help ? Thanks in advance ... ...

how to add UIPickerView in UIActionSheet

hi expert, i'm having task to enter rating(1 - 5) value, so i found the below code for date picker, can anyone help me to alter below code so to add UIPickerView to choose rate from 1 to 5 UIActionSheet *menu = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Ratings" delegate:self ...

Deselecting a UITableViewCell upon cancelling an ActionSheet

Using -didSelectRowAtIndexPath on a UITableViewCell, I fire off a UIActionSheet and the cell becomes selected. How would I target the specific cell to animate it's deselection upon the action sheet being sent a Cancel message? ...

How to make Action Sheet button open new view

I have an iPhone app that uses an action sheet but I can't work out how to make one of the buttons open a new view when pressed. I know how to implement the action sheet - that's not a problem, its the actual action of opening the new view that's the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

iphone sdk: How to get rid of the action sheet in UIWebView?

Hi guys I have a UIWebView and when I press a textual link (for at least a second) some kind of UIActionSheet appears with 3 buttons (open, copy and cancel) - Is there a way to prevent it from appearing? Thanks ...

How to display UIActionSheet just below top navigation status bar on iPhone

I would like to display an action sheet sliding from just below the very top status bar. When I use the navigationBar as the view to show in, the sheet is still displayed at the bottom of the screen. How can I show it originating from the top instead? The class I'm calling the following code from is a 'UIViewController' UIActionSheet...

iphone autorotation black background

I use OpenGLView to display content of my app but sometimes I have to display UIActionSheet. My application works on both - landscape and portrait mode - but since it's OpenGL view I handle rotation of the view by myself so to display UIActionSheet I use empty view and add actionsheet to it. the problem is that when I use shouldAutorotat...

iphone - weird bug between UIActionSheet and UITabBar

hey In my tabbar app, i bring up a UIActionsheet from an action, called from a button in a navigation controller title bar. The UIActionsheet functions as per normal, except for the bottom half of the below button 'cancel', which strangely doesnt respond to touch in the iPhone Simulator. The bottom half of the cancel button is where the...

How do you remove one-time-use class variables from Objective-C code?

I'm writing some Objective-C code and I've frequently hit the situation where I have to use a class variable to store a value for one time use. After consuming it I no longer need it. To me, storing this value in a class variable seems like code smell. Really the value should be passed in as a parameter to the methods I'm using. I ru...

UIActionSheet with 2 buttons ....{iPhone SDK}

hi iam creating an UIActionSheet with 2 buttons . now i want two each buttons do separate work . how can i declare my 2 buttons on the : - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)menu didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex i use this code : if (buttonIndex != [menu cancelButtonIndex]) { // do somthing...

iPhone: Is it Possible to Hide and Unhide UIACtionSheet Buttons ?

Hi. I am using FBConnect in my app. The log in action sheet buttons are title "Log in Facebook" and "LogOut Facebook" but I want to display "Log into Facebook" and "Publish to Facebook". Currently, it looks like this... ...but I want it to look like this... ... possibly set in these methods: - (void)session:(FBSession*)session did...

Retain object through UIAlertView/UIActionView dialogs

I'm working on a local (to the method) custom object and need to display a dialog (UIActionSheet or UIAlertView) to the user. What's the best way to get access to same object when delegate is called after user interacts with the dialog? Any Cocoa tricks besides adding another instance variable to current class? ...

Opening a UIActivityIndicatorView after a UIActionSheet

Hello I have some destructive operations that need confirmation, and I'm using the UIActionSheet. Inside the clickedButtonAtIndex I fire some lenghtly operations that need a UIActivityIndicatorView. The problem is that I can't see the UIActivityIndicatorView until the UIActionSheet has closed, and this happens when the operation has f...

UIActionSheet to choose 'Camera' or 'Photos' and then show the Camera or Photo picker

Hi, I am creating an app, in which the user will be able to choose a photo. Now I want that when the user taps a button, an UIActionSheet pops up to let the user choose if they want to use the Camera, or the Photo Library. The UIActionSheet should always be there, but the Camera option only if the device has a camera. I'm not sure if th...

How do I detect when a UIActionSheet has been dismissed?

I'm pretty new to iPhone dev, so any help is appreciated. I am creating an action sheet within a function and adding it to the current view. I have the sheet delegate as 'self' and the action sheet is not retained. Is there a function like the datePicker's didSelectRow? Something like "didDismissWithButtonAtIndex" or something that lets...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when calling pushViewController

Hi I have a UITableView inside a UITabBarController. When I'm calling [[self navigationController] pushViewController:myViewController animated:YES]; there is no problem. but, When I'm calling the same line from inside a UIActionSheetDelegate, for example: - (void)actionSheet:(UIActionSheet *)actionSheet clickedButtonAtIndex:(NS...