
Common multithreading mistakes beginners make on iPhone...

I just introduced multithreading into my app JUST to get a silly UIActivityIndicatorView to work. Well, the activity indicator works, alright -- but now my app crashes sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't -- under otherwise controlled conditions... I need to figure this out but don't know where to start looking... So, what are some commo...

iPhone - Loading ActivityIndicator

I am aware of my problem but cannot find a solution. When the button is pressed it tells the UIActivityIndicatorView to startAminating and also retrieve data from a XML feed. Problem I am having is it runs the whole event before starting the animating of the loader, so the loader never spins before the data is retrieved. How can I sta...

iPhone/Cocoa Touch - problem with multithreading (Stanford Presence 3 project)

I have been solving the Stanford free iPhone course project called Presence 3 (found on the stanford site: www.stanford.edu/class/cs193p/cgi-bin/downloads.php, which pulls data from twitter for users, which are stored in a plist. A UIActivityIndicator (spinner) is visible while the data is loading. Once the data has been loaded, a TableV...

Add UIActivityIndicatorView into UIBarButton

How do I add a UIActivityIndicatorView spinner circle into a UIBarButton? So that when a user taps on one of those buttons on the navigation bar, they see a spinner while the loading takes place? Thanks. ...

UIActivityIndicatorView with UITableView in Navigation Controller

Hello guys, I am working on a an application which is very simple a navigation controller with a table view when the user clicks a row, he is directed to the details view. However, the details view pulls data from Core Data. i am pulling a relatively large amount of data that takes about three seconds to load. I wanted to add that UIA...

iPhone UIActivityIndicatorView not starting or stopping

When I call startAnimating on a UIActivityIndicatorView, it doesn't start. Why is this? [This is a blog-style self-answered question. The solution below works for me, but, maybe there are others that are better?] ...

Trigger web-request when user scrolls to bottom of UITableView

Hi, i'm trying to get a UIActivityIndicatorView to "appear and animate" when a user scrolls to the bottom of a UITableView…. Upon reaching the bottom of the table view, a web-request is made that will take a few seconds to complete and then the UIActivityIndicatorView should "stop and hide" I'm triggering the appearance of the UIActivi...

IS it possible to use UIActivityIndicator in Hello world ?

As we have learnt almos at first time to make iPhone app with Hello World But I really wonder if we can use UIActivityIndicator with this tutorial ? if yes, how ? MAybe I need to post some code here alittle bit: (IBAction) btnClickMe_Clicked:(id)sender { NSString *FirstName = txtFirstName.text; NSString *LastName = txtLastName.text; N...

UIactivityindicator doesn´t work in my project

Hello, I´m trying to deal with activityIndicator in my iPhone app..But it doesn´t work at all. Inside my project I have a UISearchbar. When people put the keyword and click the search result will show string in UIWEbview. I really want the activity indicator show and animate while waiting for data and Stop when data is loaded. Here i...

UIActivityIndicator not showing up

I have implemented a UIActivityIndicator that shows up in one part of my program but not another. I have the activity indicator come up while i am loading a table, however, i am trying to get it to start animating again after the user has clicked a button and is waiting for the table to reload. The table reloads, but no indicator. Here i...

Monitoring background Threads

I am trying to monitor a thread that i set running in the background. I need to be alerted when it is finished executing. - (IBAction) btnGreaterTen_clicked :(id)sender{ self.searchDistance = [NSNumber numberWithDouble : 10]; CGRect frame = CGRectMake (120.0, 185.0, 80, 80); activity = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] in...

UIActivityIndicatorView inside UIButtonBarItem not working properly

I am trying to get a UIActivityIndicatorView to work inside of a UIButtonBarItem using the following code: - (void)showActivityIndicator { UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)]; [activityIndicator startAnimating]; UIBarButtonItem *activityBarBut...

Displaying the activityView Indicator well data is downloading

Im currently writing an iphone app that requires the downloading of data that needs to be parsed and added to a tableView. I have that working the only problem is that i currently call the my method that downloads that data and parses it in the viewDidLoad {} method: - (void) addData { //Download some stuff //Parse some stuff /...

Why won't my UIActivityIndicatorView stop animating?

I am trying to manage the activity indicator from my App Delegate, that way any of my views can put the indicator up. So, I am adding it as a subview to 'window' and start/stop as follows: - (void)didStartActivity { if( activityIndicator == nil ) { activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicat...

Opening a UIActivityIndicatorView after a UIActionSheet

Hello I have some destructive operations that need confirmation, and I'm using the UIActionSheet. Inside the clickedButtonAtIndex I fire some lenghtly operations that need a UIActivityIndicatorView. The problem is that I can't see the UIActivityIndicatorView until the UIActionSheet has closed, and this happens when the operation has f...

iphone - programatically change navigation bar button to activity indicator

I have added a refresh UIBarButtonItem to my navigation bar on my iPhone app. When the user taps the button I'd like the refresh button to change to the animated activity indicator and once the operation (in this case a download) is complete switch the activity indicator back to the refresh button. I have added the refresh button using ...

UIActivityIndicatorView or similar

Hi, Can anyone tell me how to achieve such loading message? is it some variation of UIActivityIndicatorView? thanks peter ...

Run an UIActivityIndicatorView while the main thread is busy

Hi all, is there a way to display the animated spinning wheel while the main thread does a lengthy operation? The animation is handled by the same thread that created the UIActivityIndicatorView, right? If so, can views that belong to several threads sit in the same view hierarchy? All else failing, I don't mind moving a lengthy operat...

UIActivityIndicatorView not spinning till I go back to Parent UITableView

I have an App using UITableViews and fetching data from a server. I am attempting to put a UIActivityIndicatorView on the Parent UITableView, so it spins while the Child UITableView is loading. I have the UIActivityIndicatorView all hookedup through Interface Builder, etc. -(void)spinTheSpinner { NSLog(@"Spin The Spinner"); NSA...

Adding subview, gets delayed?

Hi, i didn't really know how to title this question, but here's a thing that really kills me: In my app i have a UITableView, UISegmentedControl and UINavigationBar. Once UISegmentedControl gets one of its segments selected i want to show a UIActivityIndicatorView on the UINavigationBar and then parse an xml file and present the results ...