
UIActivityIndicatorView inside UIButtonBarItem not working properly

I am trying to get a UIActivityIndicatorView to work inside of a UIButtonBarItem using the following code: - (void)showActivityIndicator { UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 20, 20)]; [activityIndicator startAnimating]; UIBarButtonItem *activityBarBut...

- Button's positioning on UIToolBar in IB -

Hey guys, As a fervent adept of IB, I created a UIToolBar (in IB of course) and added to it a few buttons. So far so good ... but then I tried to move each of them to the right position but IB doesn't let me do it ... Each time I try to scroll them IB moves them back to the former position ! Is there a way to choose their position in...

Align UItextFields one below the other in interface builder

How to align 2 textfields one below the other in a tool bar and display a button on the left side (or right side) in the vertical middle of those two fields? Please see the image to know what I am talking about. http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/art/ui_textfields.jpg ...

strange behavior when changing UINavigationController backItem title

Hi, I'm changing the back button item title in the viewDidAppear of a controller in the following way: self.navigationController.navigationBar.backItem.title = @"Previous"; It changes the tittle properly, but the I'm having a strange behaviour. When I select the "previous" button, it changes the tittle of the controller that is up in ...

Does iOS provide default selected appearence for controls?

I want to have an UIToolbar containing UIButtons with custom icons. As I can see, the highlighted appearence is provided (used when the button is being tapped). What I want is a default appearence for a selected icon (which I would control manually, bo [button setSelected]). According to HIG: Don’t include a pressed or selected app...