
How do you dismiss the keyboard when editing a UITextField

I know that I need to tell my UITextField to resign first responder when I want to dismis the keyboard, but I'm not sure how to know when the user has pressed the "Done" key on the keyboard. Is there a notification I can watch for? ...

Adding the "Clear" Button to an iPhone UITextField

How do you add that little "X" button on the right side of a UITextField that clears the text? I can't find an attribute for adding this sub-control in Interface Builder in the iPhone OS 2.2 SDK. Note: In the iPhone 3.0 SDK, you can do this in Interface Builder. ...

Making UITextField background blink

How can I make the background color of a UITextField blink? ...

Tricks to debugging UITextField

I'm debugging some code and finding it difficult to see & track the values being entered by the iPhone's keyboard into a UITextField (and from the UIDatePicker.) I would expect Arguments>self>textField>_text to reflect the value that was entered into the textField but it isn't. It show's a different value ($0.00 instead of $1.25 for ins...

Struggling with currency in Cocoa.

I'm trying to do something I'd think would be fairly simple: Let a user input a dollar amount, store that amount in an NSNumber (NSDecimalNumber?), then display that amount formatted as currency again at some later time. My trouble is not so much with the setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle and displaying floats as currency. ...

Easy way to disable a UITextField?

HI people :) Is there an easy way to disable a UITextField in code? My app has 12 UITextFields that are all turned on by default, but when a change is detected in my Segment Control I want to disable some of the UITextFields depending on what Segment the user picks. Just need to know how to disable it or make it non-editable? Thanks ...

How to add clear button to UITextField?

Same as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/320078/adding-the-clear-button-to-an-iphone-uitextfield but that one is old. I tried myUITextField.clearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing; but nothing is happening. What could be preventing it? ...

iPhone SDK - UITextField with + Button for Contacts

Hello, In some applications like Mail, when you have a UITextField, there is a little + button to the right. When you tap it, a modal view controller comes up which you can select a phone number, address, etc from, and it will appear in the text field. I was wondering how to implement this in my own app. Thanks, Isaac ...

Why doesn't Apple's SDK documentation cover UI*?

UIWebView, UIColor or UITextField for example have no entries in http://developer.apple.com/search.php or the documentation that comes with Xcode. Are these documented somewhere? ...

Which delegate method I should use to respond to clicks on a text field?

I want to open a panel when the user clicks on a text field. I think I should use a delegate method that responds to the click event. I found that the - (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification method does not work, and that the - (void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification method works, but on...

Clearing all text fields in xcode

Is there a way of clearing all test fields when selecting a text field to enter text with the keyboard. For instance if you had a tip calculator that you have already run once, and all the fields are now populated. Now when you want to run another calculation, you click on the text field an all the other fields are automatically cleare...

iPhone UITextField: how to insert new line by the return key?

Hi, I want to get a carriage return/new line by hitting the return key on an UITextField's keyboard. I've found out, that textFieldShouldReturn gets called. But how do I insert a carriage return in the text field? ...

iPhone SDK - Looking for resources regarding....

I am wondering if anyone can help me find two resources for iPhone Development. 1) I am looking for a nice tutorial explaining how to use UITableView to input settings (UITextField, UISwitch, etc...) just like practically every single app does. 2) I am also wondering if there is a resource online that has Custom Objects for IB. I find ...

UITextField - Did End On Exit Event

How do I programmaticly assign a method (Observer?) to the "Did End On Exit" Event on a UITextField object? This is easy enough to do in IB but I can't figure out how to do it in code... ...

Disable Magnifying Glass in UITextField

Is there a way to prevent the user from moving the cursor in a UITextField? I'd like it to stay at the end of the string. ...


    Best way to make a UITextField "appear"

    I'd like a UITextField to appear when a button is pressed. Unfortunately, I can't hide it in Interface Builder and then set the hidden property to NO later because "ibtool fails with exit code 5" if you try to hide a UITextField. I'll try to do this in code but wondering if I may be missing something or making a grave UI error by attem...

    UITextView and UIPickerView with its own UIToolbar

    I like to replicate the form behavior of Safari on the iPhone in my own app. If you enter data in an web form you get a separate UIToolbar (previous, next, done) just above the UIKeyboardView. Same for choosing an option: you get the same UIToolbar just above an UIPickerView. I am looking for demos / sourcode / ideas how to implement th...

    Contents of UITextField and UITextView to NSString

    I have a UITextView and 2 UITextField set up. UITextView resigns first responder status when empty part of the screen is tapped, the same for the 2 UITextField, plus for these 2, the return key also resigns first responder status. All 3 are declared in interface. I would like to get the contents of all of these to individual NSString an...

    Encoding spaces in UITextView / UITextField to URL format

    I'm trying to send the contents of UITextView or UITextField as parameters to a php file NSString *urlstr = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"http://server.com/file.php?name=%@&tags=%@&entry=%@",nameField.text, tagsField.text, dreamEntry.text]; When i log urlstr, the url format is ok just as long as the UITextView or UITextFi...