
checking if an textfield is a specific value

how can i check if a textfield contains a specific value i tried using the if(x.text = @"hello") however this would work since it would always show me the alertiview i had below this code. I think i am missing something from my comparision however i am unsure. ...

iphone - Navigating between UITextFields ???

I have seen a lot of iphone apps which provide an easy to use navigation controll for text fields, which contains next previous and done. What is the technique for this? any sample code? they also scroll the screen until the selected textField is placed on top of the keyboard, how do they do that? ...

inputAccessoryView not shown when editing navigation bar titleView

I use a simple inputaccessoryView to display next and previous buttons when a user inputs text in a couple of UITextFields. I have also added a UITextField as the titleView of the navigation bar to allow a user to set a custom title. Everything works great, however the inputaccessoryView is not shown when editing the navigation bar's tit...

updating textfield in tablecell

NSString *cel=@"text"; NSIndexPath *a = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:1]; CustomCell *c = (CustomCell *)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:a]; c.yes.text = cel; I am using these line for updating the UITextfield placed on the tablecell ..... but it giving me some error like this RootViewController.m:110: error:...

Providing editable and non-editable fields on the iPhone

I would like to present information to the user of my app in a non-editable way but allow editing after a button press (of the edit button). Is there any way of easily creating this transition from non-editable to editable? I have considered using UILabels for the non-editable fields and programatically removing them and showing UITextF...

Adding @Property UISwitch to TableView Causes RetainCount Problems

I am doing this with UISwitchs and UITextFields... I have declared the UISwitch as Property in the header file, because I want to access its value in several different methods within my class. I am adding the UISwitch to one of my TableViewCells, using the following code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellFo...

Line through UITextField

I have this weird bug with UITextField, sometimes there's a line (actually more of a transparent strip) through it. Does anyone know how to get rid of it? Here's the picture A link to xib file: http://db.tt/7l2Bq42 A link to the code: http://db.tt/DW0mlqQ Edit: The bug is now solved. I'm creating this view programmatically rather t...

iPad not resigning responder

Hi, I have a table with 3 UITextFields added to the content views of cells (1 row per section). I have a 4th section that I insert so that I can scroll the particular field to be above the keyboard. The problem I have (on the iPad only) is that when one of the text fields has firstResponder, it does not relinquish it when user taps on...

Scrolling problems with UITextFields in cells in Objective-C for iPhone

Hi there! I have following problem: I've got an UITableView with 7 custom cells. Each of these cells hold a label and an UITextField in it. Since the cells are somewhat big, you have to scroll down to see the last 3 cells. The problem is, as soon as I scroll down, the text in the textfields of the first 3 cells (those, that aren't visibl...

UITextField Notify on value changed?

Hello, How can I make it so that when a text field changes, a function is called on a script? Thanks, Christian Stewart P.S. iPhone Programming ...

iPhone -- [UITextField sizeToFit] does not always account for cursor

When I call sizeToFit on a UITextfield that is being edited, the size reacts in an inconsistent way to the cursor. Sometimes it accounts for it; sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, part of the first letter is clipped. Has anyone found a way around this? ...

iPad UITextField -- cursor not centering when resizing frame with contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter

I am working on a universal iPhone/iPad app. I resize some of my UITextFields as the user types. I also have some code to move the UITextFields around so that their locations make sense as they are resized. This code is not too short, but basically it comes down to modifying the frames of the UITextFields. My UITextFields all have th...

dismiss modal view with return key

Hi, I got one UITextField on my Modal view controller. When "Done" key is clicked, i want to dismiss the modal view. i don't know where should i add below code to dismiss modal view. Thanks in advance for any help. [self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; ...

UITextField inside UITableView cell

Hello, I have been reading through a lot of things trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. I have been trying to add 4 UITextFields inside of UITableView cells. I have the UITextFields created through IB, as well as the UITableView. I add the textfields to a NSMutableArray and then in the cellForRowAtIndexPath I am adding these tex...

Ignore Tab character in UITextField... (iPad app)

Hi everyone, I have a TableView with TextFields in each cell and I want to those textfields ignore the character tab (/t). When the tab key is pressed, the textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange method it's not called Does anyone knows how to do this? I know that there is no tab key in the iPad keyboard but the blutooth and dock one...

UITextField in UITableView cell is returning null

Hi all, I've been banging my head against the wall on this one for quite some time now. Any input or direction is greatly appreciated. So the goal is the create a log in form from text fields in a table. That user info, once collected will be passed on to an array in a seperate view controller so in can stored in a "favourites" list. ...

Storing UITextField contents before view pops

I am sure this is in the Apple documentation or must have been answered somewhere on this forum, since it seems so basic, but I could not find it nor a particularly elegant solution myself. What I have is a UIViewController that pushes an editing view on its navigation stack. The editing view has a bunch of UITextFields in it. If one ...