
UISwitch inside custom UITableViewCell not available

I have a UISwitch inside a custom UITableViewCell (the subclass of which I call RootLabeledSwitchTableCell). The cell contains a UILabel and UISwitch next to each other. I have a @property called keychainSwitch that points to the switch inside this custom cell: @interface RootLabeledSwitchTableCell : UITableViewCell { IBOutlet UIL...

should one customize default iphone controls?

my app asks the user yes-no questions, user replies using a uiswitch on screen. i've been thinking about creating a custom version of the switch that would display yes/no instead of on/off and would use a green/red background as an indicator of the value. after creating a mock up i'm not so sure this is the way to go. using the default s...

Turn off auto-switching when clicked on UISwitch?

Hey guys, So i've created a custom TableViewCell, and in the nib I put a UISwitch. Before I had even hooked it up to anything, if I ran it in the simulator and clicked on it, it would switch from off to on with the animation and such. I'm trying to add a feature where the user is only allowed to change from off to on when a certain ...

change color of switch in iphone app

I am using UISwitch to make a switch element in my app. It has default color set to blue, but I want to change its color to brown (didn't get a clue via Google except some nasty rumors). How can I choose a different color for the UISwitch element? ...

UISwitch shows up on other cells! Glitch?

I have 5 seperate sections in a table, 2 of the sections have customizable cells, when in EDITING mode, 2 of the sections produce an additional cell that will add a new cell to the list. My problem is that when I invoke edit mode, the UISwitch FREAKS OUT! and decides to jump around, VERY SIMPLE code, just have NO IDEA why the UISwitch is...

How do I create a TableView like in network Settings App on the iphone?

Hey, How do i make such a Table view? So if I turn on the switch, 2 cells should be added. I've already tried [tableView numberForRowsInSection:6]; [tableView reloadData]; but this doesn't work as expected :( any ideas? The best thing would be 2 sections the first section contains 5 cells, the second section contains one cell wit...

Best way to handle persistent Boolean in plist?

What's the best way to handle Boolean values that derive from a UISwitch setting, and are stored in an NSMutableDictionary that is saved to the user's directory as persistent settings? Specifically, what's the best way to keep boolean values distinct from numeric values in an NSMutableDictionary that gets written to and read from the fil...

Creating a UISwitch Programmatically

In a seemingly never ending effort to learn more about iphone development, I have been playing around with some of the source code available through apples developer website. The particular example I am working with is Core Data Books, found here. The DetailViewController, and the AddViewController are made programatically, because there...

REALLY simple question about UIViews

I am working on an app that has several different views, two of the which are DetailViewController.h&.m and AddViewController.h&.m. Neither of these particular view have IB xib files associated with them, they just have programmatically generated UITableViews. These views essentially are the same, the only difference, is that in the AddV...

Communicating between view Controllers

one of my view controllers has several UISwitches, and I want another view Controller to be able to access the values of the UISwitches for If/and statements. How do I do this in Objective-c? ...

How to handle UICustomSwitch in edit functionality?

@interface UICustomSwitch : UISwitch { } -(void)setLeftLabelText:(NSString *)labelText; -(void)setRightLabelText:(NSString *)labelText; @end @implementation UICustomSwitch -(UIView *)slider { return [[self subviews ] lastObject]; } -(UIView *)textHolder { return [[[self slider] subviews]objectAtIndex:2]; } -(UILabel *)leftLabel...

Triple UISwitch

Hello! I want to create a custom UISwtich with three positions. Is it possible? ...

iPhone UIButton with UISwitch functionality

Is there either a way to implement UISwitch with custom graphics for the switch-states? Or as an alternative the other way round, an UIButton with UISwitch functionality? ...

Detecting if music is playing?

Hi! My app involves music(iPodMusic), and there is a UISwitch toggling play/pause. My goal is to be able to detect if music is playing, so that therefore the play/pause switch can say 'play' when music is playing and 'pause' if it isn't. ...

Freaky UISwitch/UILabel.hidden/UIImageView.hidden Problem!

Hi Everyone! Sorry for the constant questions, but in my app, you are able to toggle if 3 UILabels and 1 UIImageview's hidden property is YES or NO via UISwitchs on another page (The settings page). The weird part is, one of the UILabels is hidden, even when it is declared that it is not to be hidden. Here is my code on the settings p...

UISwitch looks strange when added as accessoryView in UITableViewCell and the cell is selected !

Hi, I'm adding a UISwitch as accessoryView for my UITableViewCell, everything works fine excepts that when the user selects a row in the table; the UISwitch gets a very strange layout : Is that "Normal" ? I'm still running with SDK 3.0 (in case this is a bug in 3.0 but my searches didn't give me any hint regarding this). I've seen o...

How can I create a ToggleButton in Obj-C? Skin the UISwitch or subclass the UIButton?

How can I create a ToggleButton in Obj-C? Skin the UISwitch or subclass the UIButton? ...

How do i get the effect of a UISwitch as the accessory for a UITableViewCell?

I have a working UITableView filled with some options for my app, and i want to add UISwitches to them just like the Settings app, how do i do this? Thanks :) ...

UISwitch not tapped on right area

I placed UISwitch on main view. Now I try change state. But the state changed only when I touch on the left side of the UISwitch. and never on the right. For example in Settings App the airplane mode chanhed any of those ways. Can anybody help me? ...

UISwitch propagate state

Hello, I'm still rather new to iPhone development and I tried something I didn't it was possible. I have a UIView for my TableView Section Header with a switch on it, and I also have a UITableCellView with another Switch on it. It all looks fine, but now I want to propagate the UISwitch state from the section header to all the UISwitches...