
UISwitch changes cell when scrolling tableview

Hi, I have a weird problem (at least in my opinion). When I add a UISwitch to my table view, the switch changes cell automatically when the user scrolls the table view. Below is the code on how I create the UISwitch for the tableview. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath ...

UISwitch customization

Hey, Because the the UISwitch is not so easy to customize i decide i wanna build one alone. that works pretty good except for one thing. i was subclassing UIView when i was building it and now i dont have the "ValueChanged" control that i need for the Interface builder. can some1 tell me how can i add ControlEvents to my custom control ...

UISwitch not returning its current state (on/off)

Here is the IBAction method linked to the UISwitch with the valueChanged event : - (IBAction) sanitySwitch { if (checkoption.on == YES) { NSLog(@"SanityCheck ENABLED"); sanityCheck = YES; } else { NSLog(@"SanityCheck DISABLED"); sanityCheck = NO; } } It always returns "SanityCheck DISABLED". The UISwitch checkoption is...

Program Crash when I click a switch ???

Here is my old question Link I ask a question before,But I put the answer in my code It can compiler without error But when I click the switch ,the program crash I just want to click the switch ,than return which row I click Here is my code First I create a LightTableViewController.h/.m Than I create LightCell0.h/.m in LightCel...

If statement for Switch Value Changed Action in Xcode

Hi Why is my it skipping the first statement and only displaying the kg message (else statement) regardless of what my switch is set to? Should I be using a function other than toggleSwitchWeight? Thanks so much for your help guys! :D -(IBAction) WswitchValueChanged{ if (toggleSwitchWeight.on) { weightpounds = [weight...

iPhone: UISwitch text in non-English language is I/O instead of ON/OFF in some languages

Hi All, UISwitch text shows ON/OFF in English. When I switch language to Japanese, UISwitch shows localized version for ON/OFF text. But, when I switch language to German, UISwitch shows I/O symbols instead of German-localized ON/OFF text. Why is not the behavior consistent across all non-English languages? Is this a bug? Please let me...

UISwitch in a UITableView cell

How can I embed a UISwitch on a UITableView cell? Examples can be seen in the settings menu. My current solution: UISwitch *mySwitch = [[[UISwitch alloc] init] autorelease]; cell.accessoryView = mySwitch; ...

How to make UISwitch a BOOL?

Hello! Forgive me if this is a simple question, but is a UISwitch a boolean variable? If it is not, how can I make it BOOL? Please allow me to explain why I'm having trouble. I declared my variable in my FlipsideViewController. UISwitch* mySwitch; //switch used to turn label2 on/off also creating an accessor @property (nonato...

Access switch and textfield in tableview from another method

I'm having a tableview with a couple of cells with 4 uiswitches and one textfield inside. Simple question. I need a way to read all the positions of the switches and the string inside the textview by clicking a button. Tableview, textfield, switches and button is working fine. Just need to access the values of the switches and textfield ...

Iphone Sdk:Is it possible to use an UISwitch to enable and disable PNS(Push Notification Service) ?

I find some sample code about PNS,article here and I also create an UISwitch to enable PNS how to give a method to control the PNS ? This is how I declare cell cell.textLabel.text = @"PNS"; [cell.textLabel setTextColor:[UIColor grayColor]]; pushNotificationSwitch = [[[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease]; [cel...

UISwitch and UIButton in UITableViewCell, how to ident them

Hi, I've got a little problem in my UITableViewCell. Each Custom Cell have an UISwitch and an UIButton. And when the user change the value of the UISwitch i would like to set the button.hidden property to YES. I can find which UISwitch was clicked with this method: - (IBAction)closeHour:(id)sender { UISwitch *senderSwitch = (UISwitc...

How to save/retrieve UIButton state ?

Hi all.. and this is my first question here ! I use UIButton with UISwitch functionality and i want to save/retrieve state of UIButton. Pls HELP! Resolved! Thanks Kalle and aBitObvious ! code i use : .h @interface RetinaViewController : UIViewController { IBOutlet UIButton *mybutton; } -(IBAction) toggleUIButtonImage:(id)send...

Adding @Property UISwitch to TableView Causes RetainCount Problems

I am doing this with UISwitchs and UITextFields... I have declared the UISwitch as Property in the header file, because I want to access its value in several different methods within my class. I am adding the UISwitch to one of my TableViewCells, using the following code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellFo...

iPhone SDK : Add UISlider and UISwitch in a table view only crash when touch slider ???

OK,here is my question foe example,I create a UISwitch in the first 3 cell's accessoryView theSwitch = [[[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero] autorelease]; [cell addSubview:theSwitch]; cell.accessoryView = theSwitch; and add 2 slider in next 3 cells theSlider = [[[UISlider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(174,12...