
You either need to connect the UISwitch to an IBAction method that updates isOn, or read the state of the switch in your test.

Here's the latter: UPDATE Changed the code after you clarified the relationships between the view controllers.

- (void)updateLabels:(NSString *)text isOn:(BOOL)isOn {
    [nameLabel setText:text]; 
    if (isOn == YES) {
       [onLabel setText:(@"ON")];
    } else {
       [onLabel setText:(@"OFF")]; 

The call to updateLabels, which I'm hoping exists in FlipSideViewController, should look something like this: (I obviously don't know your variables names.)

[self.delegate updateLabels:self.myTextField.text isOn:self.mySwitch.on];
Robot K
Hello! Thanks for replying. That gives me an error, unfortunately. I get "`Request for member 'mySwitch' in something not a structure or union`".
Is updateLabels:: a method on your view controller?
Robot K
Yes, updateLabels is a method in my **MainViewController**, while `mySwitch` is a UISwitch located in **FlipsideViewController**.
So you're calling updateLabels from some code on FlipsideViewController?
Robot K
Yes I'm calling it in FlipsideViewController using `[self.delegate updateLabels: myTextField.text : mySwitch.state];`
Check out my updated code above. Note that I changed the signature of your updateLabels method to make the intent of the parameters clearer.
Robot K
There's your problem. You want the `on` property, not `state`.
Robot K
AH, that did the trick! I deeply appreciate all you efforts to help me! Thank you!