
iPhone SDK 4.0 Phone locked tool

Is there going to be a way with the 4.0 SDK to create a tool similar to Pandora(which was demoed today), so when the phone is locked, I can manipulate my app? So basically if my app was running, and my phone locks I don't have to unlock the phone to toggle something for the app? ...

If I install SDK 4.0 of the iPhone OS will I still be able to create a non 4.0 iPad app?

If I install SDK 4.0 of the iPhone OS will I still be able to create a non 4.0 iPad app? I would ideally like to submit a iPad app in the next month but am also hoping to develop a 4.0 iPhone app is it possible to use the 4.0 SDK to create 3.0 iPad apps or am I going to need to computers? ...

Can't Build for iPhone Device

After upgrading to the iPhone SDK 4.0, I get the following error when building for device: gcc-4.0: Invalid arch name : armv7 Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 failed with exit code 1 Before, I was only building for armv6 (the default on pre 4.0 SDK's). ...

How can I install more than one version of the iPhone SDK?

I want to install the iPhone 4.0 SDK, but I don't want to lose my stable 3.2 version because I am planning on packaging an app for distribution soon. Any tips on installing more than one version? Snow leopard 10.6.3 X Code 3.2.2 ...

Reachability app iPhone OS4 SDK issues

Apple's reachability application crashes at runtime after successful compile. Given the extent to which these routines are implemented, has anyone discovered the correction for this? Thanks ... ...

iPhone App made using Xcode 3.2.3 does not run on 3.1.3 OS

I can't figure this out and I thought that someone might run through the same thing. I have Xcode 3.2.3 (Pre Release with OS 4 beta) and I started to create my application, after the final touches and everything worked ok, I changed the Simulator - 4.0 to Simulator - 3.1.3 (latest iPhone OS) and I could never start my app again :-( Doe...

New App provisioning in iPhone SDK 4 Beta

The enterprise distribution in iPhone 4 beta is supposed to be easier. Companies can host their own servers with the apps instead of distributing through iTunes. I am looking for technical information on how to do this. Can someone refer to the documentation/online details regarding this? Thank much. ...

Error when making a distribution file with iPhone SDK 4.0

When I try to upload the binary to iTunesConnect it says: "An application targeting the iPhone device family may not require a iPhone OS Deployment Target of 3.2, which is an iPad-only OS". I am using iPhone SDK 4.0 but have the settings of the distribution target set to use iPhone Plattform 3.2 Any suggestions? ...

GKVoiceChat Example? - iPhone SDK

Does anyone have a GKVoiceChat example for the iPhone SDK in 4.0 or later? I would really appreciate it if they could share it with me. It will surely help with my iphone game. Sincerely, Kevin ...

Errors when using libxml2 wrappers - XPathQuery with iPhone OS 4

Ok I am trying to use libxml2 with the iPhone OS 4.0 SDK, but for some reason it is throwing errors. Is this not supported in iPhone OS 4? ...

touchesBegan @ multitask

Is it possible to access to the touchesBegan event while application is running in background in iPhoneOS 4.0 ? Thanks in advance. ...

Is it possible to install iPhone SDK 4 beta and SDK 3 on the same Mac?

I want to test the new OS 4 beta but I still need to update my OS 3 apps on AppStore. Is it possible to install iPhone SDK 4 beta and SDK 3 on the same Mac? Thanks! ...

What is the proper way to align UITableViewCells when only some have an imageView?

Hello all, I am new to iPhone programming and working on my first real application (i.e. one not written in a book or online) and I've run into a small problem which I could solve a multitude of ways, but feel like there should be a good solution that perhaps I am just missing. Here is the scenario: I have a UITableView with a bunch of...

An offscreen MKMapView behaves differently in 3.2, 4.0

In 3.1 I've been using an "offscreen" MKMapView to create map images that I can rotate, crop and so forth before presenting them the user. In 3.2 and 4.0 this technique no longer works quite right. Here's some code that illustrates the problem, followed by my theory. // create map view _mapView = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithF...

iPhone Simulator 3.x not listed after upgrading to XCode 3.2.3 Beta4 with OS 4.0

I've been having some problems, & since you guys are the smartest devs I thought I'd just ask you. When I last installed Xcode 3.2.3 Beta 2 (OS 4.0 support), it had all the iPhone Device & Simulator 3.x. Now, updated to Xcode 3.2.3 Beta 4 (OS 4.0 support), it no longer lists 3.x SDKs for either simulator or device in XCode. When I run ...

Shall I start learning iPhone SDK 3.2 when 4.0 is about to be publicly available?

Hi, Just became an iPhone developer. I'm completely new to this, and not really sure whether I should start learning SDK version 3.2 or 4.0. I found tons of videos and tutorials for 3.2, not a lot for 4.0. So shall I start with 3.2 and then worry about 4.0 later? or am I going to have to re-learn many things that I will learn in 3.2? ...

play video landscape Iphone sdk 3.2 4.0 with standard api

how to play video landscape with standard api? video play only portrait !!! change the app orientation landscape is not useful, because video start portrait forever. i have a portrait app with a button, when pressed video must play landscape. yourmoviecontrollername setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait animated:NO]; is not al...

How to manage images (dimension-wise) in iPhone OS 3.1x / 3.2 / 4.0?

iPhone is 480 x 320, iPad is 1024 x 768, iOS 4 is 960 x 640. What is the good practice of managing images for 3 resolutions? Say the app wallpaper as an example, the iPhone is probably a 50%-reduction of the iOS4 one. But it is also tempting to design one dimension (1024 x 768) for both devices (iPad and iOS 4 phones). Any suggestions...

Running cocos2d with iPhone SDK 4 GM

I tried to build my (cocos2d 0.99.0-based) project with iPhone SDK 4 GM which was just released today. The reason is because I want to incorporate iAds in my apps. However I got 20 error messages which looks like errors in library calling. Can anyone tell me whether we can actually use cocos2d 0.99.0? I'm aware that 99.3 was released but...

Does iOS 4 Have "Real" Multitasking?

Ever since the first beta came out I've been trying to find out if "real" multitasking is possible. I.E., can you put a program in the background and have it hang on to a network connection indefinitely? I'm thinking about IM or IRC apps, for example. I've compiled an app myself on OS 4, and without changing a thing it appeared to stay r...