
Running on iPhone OS 4.0, my app no longer loads localized resource

I have an app for OS 3.0. It is localized for Chinese (in addition to the base support of English). It works perfectly on all devices with OS 3.0, 3.1.x, even on iPad with 3.2. That is, when I select Chinese in system settings, the app will show resources using Chinese. Localization works in app itself, the settings bundle, and the app ...

CGContext text drawing doesn't scale up on iPhone 4

I am trying to create an app that scales up nicely on the iPhone 4. Currently most of it scales up perfectly, except for one crucial piece: the text that I draw inside a CALayer, inside its drawInContext: method. Here is my code: - (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context { UIGraphicsPushContext(context); CGContextSetGrayFill...

What are block-based animation methods in iPhone OS 4.0?

I am trying to implement a game using the iPhone OS 4.0 (iOS4?) SDK. In the previous versions of the SDK, I've been using the [UIView beginAnimations:context:] and [UIView commitAnimations] to create some animations. However, when I look at the documentation of the functions in 4.0, I see this comment. Use of this method is discourag...

iOS4 breaks my app [solved]

Hey, On all iPhones (we checked) which have been updated to iOS4, our app is behaving differently (buggy) than on previous OS version (3.1.3). First and most biggest problem is that on 3G (but not on 3GS), any UIAlertView freezes the app - actually it looks like that app losses focus to give it to UIAlertView, but UIAlertView doesn't ge...

libGoogleAnalytics.a linking problems with iPhone iOS4 Simulator

I recently upgraded to the iOS4 SDK and my app no longer compiles for the simulator, but does compile for the device. This is due to the 3rd party library libGoogleAnalytics.a. The solution seems to be for google to release a new static library complied with the new SDK, unfortunately there is no word of any release date, and due to th...

How to call [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] in a universal app for the iphone and ipad

I'm making a universal app that will run on both the ipad and the iphone. So far so good, but I have just updated my SDK to ios4 and am wanting to call [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] (scale is not in the 3.2 sdk and the ipad doesn't have ios4 yet). I know that I can call [[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] to fin...

"No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected" after update to 4.0

I updated my iPhone to the new OS 4.0 and went to build my iPhone app and everything built ok, but the message I got at the end was "No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected". Looking at the Xcode organiser, it shows my connected device with an amber icon next to it, and all my provisioning profiles show up as "Installed" but also wi...

Bug in Addressbook-API in iOS4?

I have discovered something strage when accessing the Addressbook-API on iOS4. //address ABMutableMultiValueRef address = ABMultiValueCreateMutable(kABDictionaryPropertyType); CFStringRef keys[5]; CFStringRef values[5]; keys[0] = kABPersonAddressStreetKey; keys[1] = kABPersonAddressCityKey; keys[2] = kABPersonAddressStateKey; k...

Iphone SDK 4 ???

I installed sdk 4 on my mac. I need to submit a version which runs on OS 3, and OS 4? What are my choices? can i install sdk3 again, and submit my app. If i build with SDK4 is it going to run on devices with OS 3? I don't use any feature from OS 4 ...

AudioQueueStart() method can not play music in ios4 background

In the iphone 3.x platform, I use AudioQueueStart method to play music, but on ios4 platform, once the program into the background,then no sound, but I notice that the app is still running in background, I've added into the info.list UIBackgroundModes/Audio and applicationDidEnterBackground methods ...

iPhone SDK 4.0 Captive Network Support - CNMarkPortalOnline and CNMarkPortalOffline - What to pass as an interface name parameter

Can anyone please help me use the two functions properly? CNMarkPortalOnline and CNMarkPortalOffline What needs to go as an input parameter to these functions? The documentation says it should be an interface name. I can't make any sense what this interface name could be. I have tried passing SSID of the WiFi hotspot as an interface n...

NSDateComponents returns a different Seconds value in iPhoneOS 3.1.3 compared to iOS4

I use this method to turn a time interval into a string of the form MM:SS NSTimeInterval testTime = 60.0; // for example NSCalendar *sysCalendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar]; NSUInteger minuteAndSecondComponents = (NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit); NSDate *intervalDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:testTime...

Linker error (only simulator) with own library after update to iPhone SDK 4.0

Hey all, I recently updated to iPhone SDK 4.0 and are no longer able to build my project for the iPhone simulator. The problem is that classes of one of my own libraries can no longer be found by ld: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_Book", referenced from: objc-class-ref-to-Book in Category.o (maybe you meant: ...) ld: symbol(s) not found collect2...

Keyboard shows up when not needed

Hello, I've just downloaded SDK 4.0 and I wanted to tun my iPhone application developed against SDK 3.1.3. Unfortunately the app behaves in a strange way in the Simulator for iPhone 4.0. The first thing is that I have a view with a table view with text fields in the cells. When I show the view the keyboard immediately shows up, but I c...

compiling iphone 3.1.3 with XCode 3.2.3 ???

Hi guys I just downloaded XCode 3.2.3 with iphone sdk 4, but I need to compile my app with 3.1.3, but there is no option in the project settings for that (just 4.0 or 3.2). Is there any other possibility for me besides downgrading to XCode 3.2.2?? ...

NSNumberFormatter working Weird in iPhone 4.0

I am developing an application i need to run my app both in 3.0 and 4.0. I have a textfield where when i try to enter numbers in the textfield the behaviour is like this... IN 3.0 :- It allows to enter 7 digits and 2 fractional values (I have formatted it like this). I have formatted and localized the numbers along with the comma seper...

How can I tell if a referenced object has been deallocated in objective-c?

After upgrading to iPhone OS 4.0 the application started to crash after switching between applications. The application crashes in the same place when the application receives a memory warning. It seems like some objects are automatically deallocated when a memory warning is received and then when we try to use the deallocated objects t...

iPhone Simulator Crash after upgrading to XCode 3.2.3

Hi all, I just installed the new XCode with iPhone SDK 4.0. On my project, I set version 4.0 as my base version, as deployment target, 3.0 is selected. Before the update, everything went fine. Now, if I run the iPad simulator, everything still works fine. But when I try to run it in the iPhone simulator, the app crashes before the star...

Programmatically control iPhone OS versions to enable functions for both OS 3.x and 4 - MFMessageComposeViewController problem

In order to support iPhone OS 3.x and 4.0 I programmatically control MFMessageComposeViewController functionality like this (use it only if the OS version is 4.0 or above): // if iPhone OS version >= 4.0 if (os_version_num >= 4) { MFMessageComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMessageComposeViewController alloc] init]; if([MFMes...

ModalViewController goes to background on application start

I am migrating my app code base to iPhone SDK 4. In one of the screens I use -(IBAction) LoadSearch { MySearchViewController *mySearchController=[[MySearchViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MySearchViewController" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController presentModalViewController:mySearchController animated:YES]; } That launche...