
How to resume iPhone app after a Phone Call

Hi there, I am creating an iPhone app in which I am providing a call feature with the help of which a user can call place a call on a specified number. I am able achieve the above feature via open URL. Now after completion of the call I want to resume the execution of app automatically. Although a user can make a fast app switch in iOS...

How to stop your app appearing at the app running area, when you have explicitly stop running the app in backgroun

Basically i was looking for the way to stop the application form running at the background and the following question helped me. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3222463/how-to-prevent-my-app-from-running-in-the-background-on-the-iphone But when i used this method, my app starts from beginning but when i double tap the home page, it ...

How would I decompose an NSString into individual characters?

So I have a method that takes an NSString as an argument, and I would like that method to basically decompose that sting into individual characters and store them in an array(NSArray). I other words I would like to read each character in the string and store the individual characters in an array and in the same order, so that I can proc...

Retrieve data from a plain file (Iphone development)

In my personal of Iphone development project I need to retrieve data from plain txt file, afterwards using delimiter to separate data in the way I want. It's my sample data: 100 100, 200 200, 300 300, 400 400 So how to retrieve data from myfile.txt and later retrieve the string "100 100" from this chunk of data? ...

How do i modify a UILabel's properties when my MyViewController is unarchived from a nib?

I am currently creating my first app for a personal project and I'm having trouble modifying a UILabel's properties when MyViewController is loaded. From other tutorials, I see that when the nib for my app is unarchived, the initWithCoder app is called: @synthesize tipText; //references the UILabel i created in my nib file - (id)initW...

How can I delay method calls?

I want to be able to call a method and then, either wait for the method to finish doing it's thing and then invoke the next method call, OR call a method, wait a certain amount of time and then invoke the next method. Any thoughts on how I would do that? Example: [self method1]; //wait for method1 to finish whatever it's doing then mo...

How can I measure the time it takes to perform a method?

How can I measure the time it takes to perform a method call? I would like to know in order to time my delays properly. I'd appreciate any help you guys could give me. //Start measuring here [self method]; //Stop measuring here ...

Can I pause a loop while waiting for delayed methods to finish?

By delaying method calls inside a loop I noticed that the loop still runs, instead of waiting for the methods to complete. How can I get the loop to wait for the delayed methods to finish before continuing on to the next iteration? I'm delaying the methods by using the three calls below, for (int i = 0; i < [phrase length]; i++) { //D...

When I set the availability of my app for a future date does it still retain a "new" status

I know this isn't a programming question, but since a lot of people here are iPhone developers i'll ask anyways. My iPhone app got approved at around 11:30PM last night, and today I decided to download it to check it out. I noticed that there was a little problem with the app so I decided to change the availability date to a later date,...

codesign "The operation was cancelled by the user"

For some reason, whenever I try to codesign in xcode, I am getting this error (path to app): The operation was cancelled by the user. Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 ...

How to send the pins in the map view back to the call out view?

Hi all, I am implementing MAPKit Based application, In that I had a problem with the pins display. Some times they are coming on top of the callOut view. I used the following code to send the pins back, - (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didAddAnnotationViews:(NSArray *)views { for (MKAnnotationView* annotationView in view...

How to make Cocod2d 0.99.4 game universal(iOS4+iOS3.2+iOS<3.2) in iPhone SDK 4.1. I am stucked.

when i create a cocos2d projecyt, XCode menu item "Project\Upgrade Current Target for iPad" becomes disable. Any solution please? EDITED: I am using SDK 4.1 and cocos2d 0.99.4 for iPhone. When I create iOS native application i get options to select target device (iPhone/iPad). But with cocos2d, there is no option. Though iphone apps ...

How can/would I implement a morse code generator?

I was wondering what would be the best way to implement a morse code generator. The way it would work is the user types in a word or phrase and then that NSString would be passed into my method as an argument for processing. The way I want to process is to loop through each character in the string and then play the correct sequence of to...

Certificate creation for Apple push notifications

Hi, I need to integrate apple push notifications. I am not clear about the certificate needed for the server. As I know this is a generated certificate form server end and does it needed to be signed by a valid certificate authority? If so how does APNS going to validate this? For the apple sandbox cant we proceed with a test certifica...