
Universal Turing Machine Problems

If I have a machine, call it machine 1, that is able to solve a problem: it's just a machine, not per se a Turing machine. It can solve one specific problem. If this exact same problem can be solved on a Universal Turing Machine, then is my original machine, 1, a Universal Turing Machine too? This does not hold for all problems, which i...

Preparing a Universal App for iPhone SDK 3.2

Hi all, I am working on a universal app, I used UISplitViewController in doing iPad application. I followed the Universal app guidelines i.e, i keep base SDK as 3.2, iPhone Target OS ad iPhone OS 3.1.3, Taget device as iPhone/iPad. And i used "Adding Runtime Checks for Newer Symbols" for UISplitViewController and UIPopOverController. C...

How to override universal selector font-size in IE6

Hi folks... I have an issue in an ExtJS-based application, however, I don't believe the problem to be ExtJS-specific (I could be wrong, but I suspect not). The issue is that I have a universal selector like so: * { font-family : arial; font-size : 10pt; font-weight : bold; } Later on I have some markup (generated by ExtJS) as s...

Combining iPhone/iPad apps into one universal app

I have two apps (one for the iPhone, the other for the iPad) that I'd like to combine into one universal app. For my first attempt, I tried creating a new universal app project and added the libraries for the iPhone and iPad versions. The iPad version compiled and ran fine (as expected), but the iPhone version didn't. My hope was that I ...

cannot upgrade current target for ipad

Hi everyone, i try to upgrade my old existing app to make it a universal application for iphone and ipad. i clicked on my target and tryed to select "upgrade current target for ipad", but i cannot click it, because its not clickable. my project settings are: The Base SDK is set to iPhone Device 3.2 The iPhone OS Deployment Target ...

SIGABRT error when running on iPad

Hello, all. I've been banging my head for a few hours because of this problem. I have a universal project that's a mix of iPhone and iPad projects. I put these codebases together into the universal project and, after a lot of "#if __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 30200" checks, got the project to run in both the iPhone (OS 3.0 to 3.1....

iPhone check for a constant at runtime in universal app

I'm making a universal iPad/iPhone app which can use the iPad's VGA out connector to mirror the content of the app on an external screen. However, the iPhone does not have this functionality. given the following code, #ifdef UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { NSLog(@"this co...

Working with iPhone OS 3.2 only classes

How would you write a universal app that uses classes introduced in iPhone OS 3.2, such as UIPopoverController and UISplitViewController? On Jeff LaMarche's blog about this, Ole provides a method for instantiating these objects; you would instantiate a UIPopoverController like so: [NSClassFromString(@"UIPopoverController") alloc]. This...

Dynamically load nib for iPhone/iPad within view controller

Hello I have converted an iPhone application using the wizard like thing in XCode into a universal app. It builds fine but obviously looks a bit rubbish in some areas :) I need to load nibs according to which device is being used. I dont wish to create my view controllers using initWithNib as I already have code to create the control...

Where can I find info on using a Universal App on iPhone that uses UISplitViewController ?

Hi, I've followed all posts that I've found about creating a Universal App that uses a UISplitViewController and runs fine on iPhone (without it, of course) and in iPad. My Targeted Device Familiy is => iPhone/iPad iPhone OS Deployment => iPhone OS 3.0 Base SDK => iPhone Device 3.2 My UIKit.framework is 'weak ref' in my Target General...

How do I build Universal binaries (ppc/i386) using Xcode 3.2.2 for OSX?

I am trying to build a universal binary for a project at work, but I can't seem to get Xcode set up properly to do so. I am familiar with the Apple Documentation regarding this, but apparently I am not reading it correctly. The Xcode build options in question seem to be: Architectures Base SDK C/C++ Compiler Version Mac OS X Deployme...

If you make your iPhone app universal, can you undo it in a future version?

Question title says it all. I've made a universal iPhone/iPad app (transitioned from iPhone only), but in a future version, I'm going to switch heavily to iOS 4-only features. For the next update of my app, can I update only the iPhone version? ...

iPad/iPhone4 Universal Build

I would like to make a universal build that will run on the iPad and iPhone4. Basically this is the 'HD' build of a game which will run on the higher resolution display devices. As far as I know, the iPad and iPhone4 both run armv7, so choosing armv6 and armv7 doesn't seem to make sense. Although, this is what Apple tells you to do. ...

iphone os 4 app is not working on ipod touch os 3+

after i complied my app on IOS4 my app stopped working on ipod touches. it is a first generation ipod touch, with os 3 on it. So i assume application for OS4 are not working on old ipodtouches ? but there was no warring from the app store and it is even listed for download for ipod touch too. any ideas ? base SDK is iphone device 4 an...

Universal application error

Hi, I'm trying to realize an universal application (for iPhone/iPad), and I'd like to use the same UIViewController to set up the behaviour for both of the devices. I got a surprising error at launch time, which is : 2010-07-15 11:31:03.420 AppUniverselle[2761:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException',...

Separate Settings in Universal iPhone App?

I'm working on an universal iPhone app, but a few user settings don't make as much sense on the iPad. Can I specify a separate Settings.bundle or Root.plist for use on the iPad? Thanks. ...

universal app ipad not showing colors

Hey guys. So I converted an iphone app to a universal app, and when I try to change the background colors, e.g., view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];, it would change while running on the iphone. However, the ipad will only show gray. Does anyone else get this? Same thing for interface builder. Thanks, ...

Custom UIAlertView moved up after upgrading to ipad/universal app

So after upgrading to a universal app, one of my UIAlertViews shifted up, but only for the iOS4.0. Before: . After (only on iOS4.0): . I looked into alert.transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate( alert.transform, 0.0, -100.0 ); to shift it back down, but that does absolutely nothing. Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks. ...

Upgrading to a universal app and sdk problem

Hi, I have an iphone app. I decided to upgrade it to iPad and installed the xcode_3.2.3_and_iphone_sdk_4__final.dmg I upgraded the app to an universal app. Before installation of new sdk, I could compile my iphone app with 3.0 sdk. However, after installation, I can only see iPhone Device 3.2 adn 4.0 sdks on xcode. I wonder, if I com...

iPhone/iPad universal app will not build for iPhone

Hello guys, I have made my application universal for iPhone and iPad (window-based application; universal) from scratch. First I made all logic and views for iPhone and it worked. After that I created views for iPad. That worked to. But when I implemented UISplitViewController or UIPopover, the application will not build anymore for iPh...