
How can I reformat a PDF file for easier reading on iPhone?

I'd like to read an arbitrary PDF on my iPod Touch (or iPhone) with a reasonable font size. Some PDFs are already formatted with narrow columns and wide margins. Once I zoom the document to "remove" the margins, the text is easy to read. Most documents have one very wide column of text. When I zoom in enough to make the text readable,...

Open source iOS components? Reusable views, controllers, buttons, table cells, etc?

Are there any repositories around for open sourced iPhone and iPad components? For instance, I have found myself needing to create several new types of table cells to mimic some of Apple's existing functionality (for instance, all the different types of table cells present in the Settings application). I can't imagine I'm alone here. ...

Draw a Custom cell for tableview ( uitableview ) , with changed colors and separator color and width.

Hi, I want to draw the background of a UITableViewCell which has a grouped style. The problem with me is I am not able to call the -(void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect or I think it should be called programmatically... I have taken code from following link . http://stackoverflow.com/questions/400965/how-to-customize-the-background-border-colo...

What should I consider to ensure seamless port of my iPhone apps to iPad?

Following iPad's announcement and its SDK (iPhone SDK 3.2), porting apps to iPad becomes an important issue. What guidelines I should follow in my iPhone apps to ensure I can port it to iPad as seamlessly as possible? The different resolution is particularly an important issue. While the iPad runs iPhone apps unmodified, it's not really...

What's new in iPhone SDK 3.2?

Apparently it is available (www.apple.com/ipad/sdk/), but I can't find a changelog... Not used to apple.com though. Does anybody have detailed information? What I would like to know is : are there any new API or did they only add iPad stuff? Edit : I am not asking for implementation-level details, I would just like to know the feature...

Run iPhone SDK on iPad

I was wondering if anyone knows if you can run the iPhone SDK on an iPad. Tried looking through apple.com, but didn't find anything useful... I want to be able to develop -- from start to finish -- an iPhone app on the iPad and was wondering if that's possible... ...

How to Rollback from iPad beta SDK to iPhone SDK 3.1

If I update to the iPhone SDK 3.2 beta, will I then be able to rollback to iPhone SDK 3.1.2 (xcode 3.2.1) ? ...

iPad simulator on 13'' screen

Quick question to anyone who has downloaded iPhone OS 3.2 beta. Does the iPad simulator fit well on a 1280x800 screen? I was planning to get a MB Air pretty soon. ...

How to port a Cocoa app to iPhone-OS?

I am about to create a Cocoa app and I want to ensure that one day I can easily port it to the iPad or even the iPhone. How can I plan for this in advance? I know I will have to redo all NIBs and probably design a different workflow. But what about the code? Just replacing every NSsomething with UIsomething won't cut it, right? Any ti...

Are there any CPU considerations while porting iPod apps to iPad?

I'm wondering what are the things to keep in mind when porting iPod apps to iPad, considering the new CPU and capabilites? Would you have recommendations for a newbie before attempting such a task? ...

Does cocos2d framework work on iPad?

Does Cocos2d iPhone framework work on iPad? My guess would be yes, but wanted to check if someone has a definitive answer after porting iPhone project with cocos2d to iPad, or starting a new one. ...

What is the Apple A4 processor

What is the apple A4 processor, used in the iPad, and how does it improve upon existing CPU design? ...

How do I write an iPhone/iPad app to take care of different screen sizes?

With the new iPad (which has a different screen resolution of the iPhone/iPod Touch), how do I set the application to automatically size appropriately to the desired screen size? ...

iPhone OS 3.2 on the iPhone?

I have edited this OS 3.2 question based on advice that it could infringe Apple's NDA which is something I have no desire to do. For what its worth I didn't reveal anything likely to upset their lawyers. And in my opinion the SDK is their IP, and therefore it's their decision regarding the terms we agree to when optionally downloading it...

What is the iPad user agent?

Now that the iPad craze is officially open, it's time to think websites also for the iPad. From what I gather, the iPad is using iPhone OS, but with a different screen resolution from the iPhone/iPod touch. So suddenly, the assumption that iPhone OS = iPhone screen resolution becomes false. Sounds like many sites may have to revise their...

What are the best practices for converting existing iPhone navigation systems into a Split View navigation?

I am trying to figure out how to best convert many of may apps to Split View apps for the new iPad. What are some of the best ways to go about this, minimizing the amount of transition code needed? Remember, the code is under NDA, but discussing generalities on the design architecture is not. ...

Howto start writing iPad applications?

I know Objective-C from Desktop Apple Programming. But i want to jump on the iPad bandwagon and start developing some small edutainment applets. Is the iPad API the same as iPhone just with more power? Do i need to join the iPhone developer program and does it still start with $100. Is there any iPad emulator yet? ...

iPad as programming platform--What future do touch screens have with programming?

I read this question a few weeks ago. I thought about it when I first saw the iPad. Do you think it would be possible to set up a development environment on the iPad? I think it would be awesome if there was an InstantRails App, a Django App, maybe even 280 North's Atlas could run on it :). Would you develop using an on-screen keyboard...

Are iPad tutorials available?

Are there any iPad tutorials? At http://bit.ly/doBoIo they say that iPad SDK is under NDA. Does this mean that there will be no iPad programming tutorials for a while? ...

Is there a specific Xcode compiler flag that gets set when compiling for iPad?

Is there a specific Xcode compiler flag that gets set when compiling for iPad? I want to conditionally compile iPad vs iPhone/iPod Touch code for example: #ifdef TARGET_IPAD code for iPad #else code for iPhone #endif I know there is already TARGET_OS_IPHONE and TARGET_CPU_ARM in TargetConditionals.h but anything that easily and...