
iPhone & iPad - two icons and two plists?

I have a product with two targets, one for iPhone and the other for iPad. I will build two separate applications, not universal. As I will have to have two icon.png files for the application's icon, as they differ in size, as I see I will have to have two info.plist files. right? I have created two copies of the info.plist file, named ...

iphone sdk: application icon not displaying in simulator

I added an Icon.png to my Groups and Files in Xcode for my project. I specified in the .plist file to use Icon.png. I checked the root folder and it successfully copied Icon.png. But when I run the simulator the icon on the home screen is still gray? Also note, when I first added the icon it worked! Then I changed the Bundle Name, Bundl...

iPad viewWillAppear and presentModalViewController problems

In the iPhone, I have a tableview, and touching the cells, I have one method calling presentModalViewController, and opening another view, with email and this kind of stuff. When the user press the cancel button, the viewWillAppear method in the previous view is called. So far, so good. But in the iPad, the viewWillAppear is only called...

NSCollectionView for Cocoa-Touch (iPhone/iPad)

Is was starting to implement one but was wondering if somebody knows about an already existing NSCollectionView like class for cocoa touch. ...

iPhone & iPad - including a class will increase binary?

I have a custom class I use frequently on my projects. This class has several methods but not all of them are used in every project. My question is: including this class on a Project will bloat the project with useless code or will the compiler just include the methods used? I mean, if my class has 30 methods but just 4 are being used ...

iPhone & iPad - how to include frameworks in a project with two targets

I have a project that was developed for iPhone OS 2.0. I am transforming this project to have two targets (iPhone & iPad). This will not be a universal binary. It will have two different binaries. In the old project, if I right click on a framework and choose REVEAL IN FINDER, I see the framework is a 2.0 one, for example, UIKit is lin...

Why do my xcode builds always go to the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator?

I just installed the latest SDK from Apple so I can start learning iPhone / iPad app development. However, I'm having a stupid issue: all my builds get run in the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator, and I have no idea how to change it. ...

Xcode and the iPad simulator

Hi - I have just installed Apple's SDK 3.2. When I run the iPad simulator Safari doesnt appear in it. Can anyone help? Any help much appreciated. ...

iPhone & iPad - is it OK to change the product name on Xcode?

I am preparing a update for one of my apps. I want to change the "product name" of this application in Xcode. Will this give me any problems? I mean, will users that already have bought the application be able to download the update? What exactly identifies the application for iTunes and the iPhone? The bundle identifier and version o...

how to download ipad sdk

Hello ,I would like to download ipad sdk (i.e.iphone sdk 3.2),but i think it requires a mac osX Snow Leopard version 10.6.2 or later.But i have only Mac Osx Version 10.5.8 (build:9L31A).So,i made a software update but i couldnot find mac osx update in the software update list.I would like to know how to update my mac to 10.6.2 and insta...

Iphone - deprecated funcions... will they crash the iphone?

I am dealing with an old code designed for iPhone OS 2.0. In this code I have some instructions that we deprecated on iPhone 3.0. I am not willing to change the version because I have many customers, specially on iPod Touch, that are still using 2.0. If I update the instructions they will be unable to continue receiving the updates. Th...

iPhone - how to use performSelector with complex parameters?

I have an application designed for iPhone OS 2.x. At some point I have this code - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { //... previous stuff initializing the cell and the identifier cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero reuseIdentif...

Pinch zoom without UIScrollView based control

Is there an "accepted" way of performing (pinch) zoom on a view that is not based on UIScrollView? ...

How do I avoid using deprecated methods conditionally when also targeting for an older OS version?

I have an application designed for iPhone OS 2.0 and I am adding some new 3.x functionality to it. My idea is to maintain compatibility with older versions. I have managed so far, to test for deprecated functions using "if respondToSelector...". This is just fine for calls inside a method but how to deal with method name changes? For ex...

ipad splitview tableviewcontroller width

How do you change the width of the uitableviewcontroller in an iPad sdk 3.2. It seems that it is fixed just like the iphone uitableview. Thanks for your help! ...

iPhone - is there a way to detect where a picture was selected from?

When Using UIPickerController I have two choices on my App: take a picture take a picture from the library (photo album) but the library itself is composed by two parts: camera roll other photo albums Is there a way to detect if the picture was selected from the camera roll or from the other photo albums? thanks for any help. ...

iphone - opening an artist link on an application

I am trying to open an "artist link" on an iPhone application but it is not working. The link is to be inside a local HTML file. I have tried to use "http://phobos...." or "itms://...." but it seems to be not working. Yes, I am aware of this apple doc, but what is written on this doc does not seams to work for artist links. Before ans...

iphone - using NSInvocation: constant value

I am dealing with an old iPhone OS 2.x project and I want to keep compatibility, while designing for 3.x. I am using NSInvocation, is a code like this NSInvocation* invoc = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature: [cell methodSignatureForSelector: @selector(initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier:)]...

iphone - passing an object on an UIToolbarButton action

Is that possible to make a UIToolbarButton pass an object to its target by using some exoteric method (as it seems not to be possible using regular button use)? I mean something like UIBarButtonItem *Button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:buttonImage style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(doSomething:) ...

Setting Xcode's target to iPhone NOT iPad

I just upgraded to iPhone SDK 3.2 Beta 4. Since doing so, I have not been able to get the app to launch in the iPhone simulator - it keeps launching in the iPad simulator. I have tried option-clicking the drop-down menu in the top left-corner of Xcode and setting 'Active Executable' to iPhone simulator 3.1.3 but it keeps going back to iP...