
iPhone Simulator: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7

Building an iPhone project results in: Failed to launch simulated application: SpringBoard failed to launch application with error: 7 And the app doesn't install on the simulator. What's this all about? What's SpringBoard and what is error 7? ...

does iphone 3.0 update support forcing landscape mode from a web app?

The new iPhone 3.0 OS is coming out soon. Does anyone know if it allows web apps to force landscape mode by a meta tag or javascript? ...

iPhone installed base upgrade rate.

I am new to iPhone development and have no idea how fast or what percentage of the user community will upgrade to the v3.0 iPhone software release scheduled for mid year. This question is motivated by the new push feature slated for the new release. Push would be great for my current App in development but if there is no mechanism emplo...

Can we update the icon in iPhone SDK 3.0 like the calendar app does?

On the iPhone and iPod Touch the calendar application changes the icon ever day so that it displays today's date. I have used a support incident with Apple to figure out how to do this in 2.x but they say you cannot. Has anyone found an API in the new iPhone 3.0 SDK that allows this? ...

Access the BPM ID3 tag in iPhone OS 3.0

Is there any way to access the BPM (beats per minute) ID3 tag of a song on your iPod using the iPhone OS 3.0 SDK? I'm looking at https://developer.apple.com/iphone/prerelease/library/documentation/MediaPlayer/Reference/MPMediaItem_ClassReference/Reference/Reference.html and i don't see it: NSString const MPMediaItemPropertyPersistentI...

which features do you look forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3?

Which of the new features are you looking forward to the most in iPhone SDK 3.0? Is it one of the main advertised six new things, or something smaller? Something in the "1,000 new APIs", perhaps? ...

iphone 3.0 sdk how to test on 2.2.1 device?

Just installed the latest iphone sdk 3.0. after i seleced the active sdk as simulator3.0 at the drop down overview, the "target" field no longer shows me the 2.2.1 SDK, and defaults to 3.0, resulting i cannot test on my 2.2.1 device. What actions should I follow to fix this? even in target property my base sdk still appear device 2.2.1 ...

MinimumOSVersion problem in iphone sdk 3.0

i have installed the latest iphone sdk 3.0 beta 5, and trying to submit the first application build from this sdk,but when i upload to itunes connect, it give me the message "The binary you uploaded was invalid. The value provided for the key MinimumOSVersion is not acceptable." and cannot be uploaded. therefore i edit my info.plist file...

iPhone OS 3.0 Access Clipboard

Hi, I am implementing a custom text editor with syntax highlighting and I would like to integrate it into the OS 3.0 clipboard system. So, my question is, is there a way to programatically set/read the systemwide clipboard? Thanks, Kyle ...

iphone 3.0 sdk install into device problem

i cannot install my application into device using iphone3.0sdk, xcode give me this message:"no launchable executable present at path" in my group window, the product folder contain the name1.app file but is outline red color and always remain there even thought i have changed my product name to name2 the message always said that the na...

iphone sdk 3.0, testing on firmware, not just simulator

Testing an application built with iphone's sdk 3.0. Based on experience, I know that bugs will manifest on hardware that will never appear in the simulator, so the simulator will only take me so far. Is it possible to put the 3.0 beta firmware (not sdk) on a hardware device, and if so where can I find the beta firmware? Or do I have t...

The version of iPhone OS on “” does not match any of the versions of iPhone OS supported for development with this copy of Xcode.

Hello experts! I have followed Apples tutorial and upgraded my iphone to 3.0. But i get this error: OS Installed on 3.0 (7A341) Xcode Supported iPhone OS Versions 3.0 (7A312g) 2.2.1 And when i try to run an application on my iphone xcode states: No provisioned iPhone OS device is connected. What have I missed? ...

iPhone problem while updating app to 3.0

Hi, I have recently updated my xcode and installed iphone sdk 3.0 GM Seed. I am trying to build my 2.2.1-application in 3.0, but I get a bunch of errors - mostly permission denied-errors. Here is one of them: Unable to write to file /Users/hansespenskorpen/jobb/rac/build/rac.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/rac.build/Objects-normal/i386...

§non_lazy_ptr iphone sdk 3.0

After I built my iphone 2.2.1 application in sdk 3.0, I get a lot of errors of type §non_lazy_ptr. I am getting it on the CFFTPStream constants, like kCFStreamPropertyFTPPassword and kCFStreamPropertyUserName. Anyone know what causes this? ...

Is it worth it to start using iPhone SDK 3.0 features?

I am an iPhone newbie just starting to develop a new iPhone app, and I am wondering if it is better to stick with the 2.2.1 SDK right now or should I actively use features of the 3.0 SDK to build the app? Of course it needs to eventually run on both 3.0 and 2.2.1 devices, so I need to test it on both. But the question is whether there ...

How do you optionally use iPhone OS 3.0 features in a 2.0 compatible app?

I'd like to use some features of iPhone OS 3.0 in my 2.0 app when it runs on a 3.0 device. I don't want to go 3.0 all the way because there are customers who do not want to update yet. I experimented a bit with weak linking of the MapKit.framework (-weak_framework MapKit). I found it quite cumbersome, since I had to trick the compiler/l...

iPhone StoreKit development: Can't create a test user?

I'm trying to get up to speed on how to develop an in-app store using the new 3.0 SDK... but I'm a bit stuck in that I don't seem to be able to create a test account. The iTunes Connect FAQ states "To create test users for your sandbox environment, go to the Manage Users section of iTunes Connect and select In App Purchase Test User. Yo...

Touch Events and OpenGL Drawing. Do they occur on separate threads?

It appears that touch events are happening on a different thread then OpenGL rendering. Is this the case? The context for this question is a particle system I am building that uses touch events to trigger OpenGL drawing. Since OpenGL drawing is rather heavyweight I am concerned about threading implications. Any insight would be much app...

Extern C functions in Objective-c

Hi, i develop iPhone apps, and after updating to sdk 3.0, I get an error on CFWriteStreamCreateWithFTPURL while linking. This is the code I call to get the error. streamInfo.writeStream = CFWriteStreamCreateWithFTPURL(NULL, urlRefWrite); I have an idea that it can be solved using extern "C", but after having googled it, I have not fou...

can Jailbroken iphone used for development

Hi We have paid developer account for iphone development and we have 2 iphones one jail broken and other one non jail broken. We have registered both phones for development and got provisioning profile. We can use non jailbroken phone for development. But we try to use jail broken phone for development we get message Error starting exec...