
Problem with iPhone 3.0 MPMoviePlayerController long wait time to display the video player on screen?

Anybody is seeing this behavior on iPhone 3.0? On my app, touching on the video link/button will take about 4-5 seconds before the movie player will show up on the screen. This doesn't look right. Anybody have any suggestion to decrease this "wait time"? ...

Accessing iphone maps bookmarks through SDK

Hi all, Does anyone know of a way to access the bookmarks of the "Maps" application programmatically through the SDK? I'd like to read and write bookmarks if possible. Ideas? Thanks! ...

iPhone OS3 changes to UIScrollView subclasses

I have a subclass of UIScrollView that overrides touchesBegan:withEvent: touchesMoved:withEvent: touchesEnded:withEvent: Overriding these three seems to be a technique that is widely used (based on my observations in forums). However, as soon as I compiled this code on OS3, these methods are no longer being called. Has anyone else se...

Copy and Paste on iPhone with multiple data representations

I encountered some issues when trying to put more than one data representation onto the pasteboard on iPhone 3.0. What I'm trying to do is put a data representation and a string representation onto the pasteboard. The data is my own data type and I use it for copy and paste in my application. The string representation is a way to copy a...

didSelectRowAtIndexPath not working on sdk 3.0

Hi, i was working on an app in sdk 2.x and every thing was working fine. but now i have updated my sdk to 3.0 and found didSelectRowAtIndexPath of tableview is not working. any one know why its heppning???? Thankz in Adv. Muhammad Usman Aleem ...

Getting a iPhone OS 2.2.1 app approved after the OS 3.0 release

I’m writing a new iPhone app which doesn’t depend on any of the 3.0 APIs. 2.2.1 should work fine and has a substantially larger user base currently and in the near future as last I checked Apple was expecting iPod Touch owners to cough up $10 to upgrade to 3.0. That leaves a nontrivial number of cheap users who will stay with 2.2.1 as ...

Can I use iPhone 3.0 symbols when building for 2.2.1?

I've been working on iPhone app for awhile and still want to support 2.2.1 One of the features is that the user can start the app via email by clicking a link. In the 2.2.1 world, I accomplished this by implemting the application: handleOpenURL: message. In iPhone 3.0, they've changed things up adding the application: didFinishLaunchi...

Issues with NSURL and iPhone SDK 3.0 for placing phone calls

There is a newly introduced issue with iPhone 3.0 SDK and how it deals with the NSURL method for automatically making phone calls. It used to be that you could call a method (NSURL), pass in a string with a URL prefix (tel://, sms, etc...) and the iPhone OS would dispatch the message to the device, such as iTunes, App Store, Phone, SMS,...

iPhone StoreKit - invalid product id's

I'm trying to test the in App purchase within the sandbox environment. In order to test the code I a) created a In App Purchase Test User account under 'Manage Users' in iTunes Connect b) created some in app purchase products under 'Manage Your In App Purchases'. I used numeric values and alpha-numeric values for the Product ID's. c)...

Design tips for StoreKit in iPhone OS 3.0?

I am going to implement StoreKit in an iPhone application and wanted to know if there is any experience out there already that could point out any pitfalls or traps in using StoreKit? I know the API is new - but there is some premium content in my app that I would like to ask users to pay for and this seems an ideal way to do it - rathe...

iPhone 3.0 Compass: how to get a heading?

I'm relatively new to Objective-C and really don't know much about it yet, so I apologise for what is probably a really amateurish question. I'm trying to get the magnetic heading from CLHeading and CLLocationDirection. However I'm getting compile errors for this line of code: locationLabel.text = [[[location course] magneticHeading] ...

iphone OS 3 Video api

Does anyone know if its possible to open up the new camera/video API for the new 3gs in the app, similarly to the camera API in 2.2.1? recording functions and all? but in the same token, is it possible to edit the video recording you just took and edit it? all the best ...

Is it possible to put a hidden search bar above a grouped table view?

In OS3.0 a lot of plain table views have an initially hidden search bar that can be accessed by scrolling down to reveal it (e.g. mail, ipod). Is it possible to do the same thing for a grouped table view? Background: I'm using a grouped table view as a static navigation menu (similar to the Things app). The content never changes, it...

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?

Hello, I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong but I try to catch touches on a MKMapView object. I subclassed it by creating the following class : #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <MapKit/MapKit.h> @interface MapViewWithTouches : MKMapView { } - (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *) event; @end And the implementa...

iPhone - in-app purchase to sell our products

Hi I have a website which sells a product to the user (downloadable). I am creating an iPhone app and want to be able to sell some of the products using the 3.0's in-app purchase. Now the documentation mentions that anything you want to sell has to be uploaded to itunes connect and approved by Apple. But I want to be able to keep addi...

iPhone SDK 3.0 in-app email - changing navigation bar tint color

My App uses the iPhone SDK 3.0's new in-app email feature. I want to change the tint color of the email UI to black and make it translucent. I tried the following code, /* picker.navigationController.navigationBar.tintColor = [UIColor blackColor]; picker.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = YES ; */ But it's changing the...

On iphone 3.0 how to disable Cut, Copy and Paste option

Hello everybody, Does any one know, how can i disable cut, copy and paste option on iPhone 3.0? Thanks for your help and time. ...

iPhone SDK 3.0 Vs. 2.2.1

I just installed iPhone SDK 3.0 and found that the text property of UITableViewCell is not used anymore, and should use textLabel.text instead. Does this mean that I have to know the current system version and call the corresponding method? like this. UITableViewCell *cell = ...; if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] isEqualToSt...

disable UIViewController content animating on iPhone rotation

Hi! I need to implement behavior of my UIViewController subclass like in standart iPod.app: when device rotated from portrait to landscape, content of UIViewController stay's still and new view add's above it. The problem is that, when set - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { ...

How to call function in every "X" minute?

Hi folks, I was trying to make a sample iphone application to update current location. I have a function that logs the current location, "logCurrentLocation", but I have no idea how to call this function automatically in every X minutes( or seconds). Please advise me which method I need to look at in the apple documentation. Thank you...