
iPhone StoreKit development: Can't create a test user?

I'm trying to get up to speed on how to develop an in-app store using the new 3.0 SDK... but I'm a bit stuck in that I don't seem to be able to create a test account. The iTunes Connect FAQ states "To create test users for your sandbox environment, go to the Manage Users section of iTunes Connect and select In App Purchase Test User. Yo...

iPhone StoreKit - invalid product id's

I'm trying to test the in App purchase within the sandbox environment. In order to test the code I a) created a In App Purchase Test User account under 'Manage Users' in iTunes Connect b) created some in app purchase products under 'Manage Your In App Purchases'. I used numeric values and alpha-numeric values for the Product ID's. c)...

Design tips for StoreKit in iPhone OS 3.0?

I am going to implement StoreKit in an iPhone application and wanted to know if there is any experience out there already that could point out any pitfalls or traps in using StoreKit? I know the API is new - but there is some premium content in my app that I would like to ask users to pay for and this seems an ideal way to do it - rathe...

Creating sandbox account in iTunes Connect for InAPP Purchase

hi all, How to create a test user account in iTunes Connect ? I am using the "" url , but there is not option for creating user account ? Please suggest how to create a test user account ? and provide the steps for creating it ? Thanks... ...

Generate JSON object with transactionReceipt

Hi, I've been the past days trying to test my first in-app purchse iphone application. Unfortunately I can't find the way to talk to iTunes server to verify the transactionReceipt. Because it's my first try with this technology I chose to verify the receipt directly from the iPhone instead using server support. But after trying to sen...

Store Kit transaction failing

Hello, I'm attempting to test a Store Kit transaction with the iPhone 3.0 SDK. I am basing my code off the sample code in the Store Kit Programming Guide, but I keep getting failed transactions (status: SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed). However, the transaction's error property is nil, so that doesn't shed any light on the situation. ...

storekit In app purchase invalid product identifiers

Hello, I am getting zero product identifiers from SKProductsRequest I did the following steps a) created a In App Purchase Test User account under 'Manage Users' in iTunes Connect b) created some in app purchase products under 'Manage Your In App Purchases'. c) Loaded the app onto the iPhone, went to Settings->Store and logged out ...

Get Customer Information from an In App Purchase transaction on iPhone

Apple clearly states in their Introducing Store Kit video in the iPhone Dev Center that we should: "Keep a copy of the TransactionID along with the Customer Information in your server in the cloud. This way if the customer mistakenly deletes your application, you have a mechanism for recovery. You can check your server on ...

iPhone StoreKit In app purchase for consumable products

I created a consumable in app purchase item and I want a user to buy it every time he uses it. Everything works as expected except when I buy the item more than one time, iPhone pop ups a message saying "You've already purchased the item. Do You want to buy it again?". Is It possible to disable this dialog and proceed to the actual purch...

Are real products needed for In App purchase testing?

I'd like to test In App purchasing with my test user. However, it seems as though I need to create a real product and associate that to a real app. This product is then searchable in iTunes. If I'm only testing, I don't want the product searchable in iTunes. Can anyone shed a little light on that aspect of the testing experience for ...

How to provide storekit content?

For my app i have it far enought that it will ask for a confirmation and account for an in-app purchase, but I don't know how to enable the item after the purchase is complete. SKPayment *payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProductIdentifier:@"com.silver.tapp.page2"]; [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment]; Thats what i have ...

iPhone Store Kit returning invalid product ID errors

Hello, I am trying to test In App Purchases on my iPhone and running into a problem where the product IDs I request information for end up being returned to me as invalid product IDs in the "didRecieveResponse" method. I have: Created an in store product associated with this app. It's bundle ID matches everything else. It has been c...

Problem with testing In App with sandbox test account

Hi, I created a test user account through the Manage User Accounts in iTunes Connect. When you create such an account you have to select a valid storefront for your account. I chose US Store. Now I signed out from the store in App Store settings on my device. Ran the application and tried to perform a purchase. I successfully login with...

iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

Hi all- I've been working on adding in-app purchases and was able to create and test in-app purchases using Store Kit (yay!). During testing, I exercised my app in a way which caused the app to crash mid purchase (so I guess the normal cycle of receiving paymentQueue:updatedTransactions and calling finishTransaction was interrupted). ...

SKPayementQueue: restoring transactions finishes without calling 'updatedTransactions' in release config but not debug config

I'm debugging restoring transactions and in my debug configuration everything works normally: IE I call: [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions]; sometime later the queueCalls: - (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions and sometime after that it calls: - (void)...

When to use restoreCompletedTransactions for in-app purchases?

For a basic app with nonconsumable in-app purchases, has anyone figured out best practices for using SKPaymentQueue's restoreCompletedTransactions? Observations I know it's recommended to always register a transaction observer to receive pending transactions that make their way back to the app, but this is a different question. It loo...

iphone store kit : how to catch cancel event

Hi guys. Here's my problem : When using storekit for in-app purchase, i'm displaying a "loading" view to tell the user to wait for a few seconds while the process is in progress; but let's say this same user, when the storekit ask him for his itunes account password, press the "cancel" button... How can i "catch" this event in order to ...

StoreKit to return all product IDs

This question is a little different from the others I've found here. My In App StoreKit is working, I can list products in my store successfully. I've gone through the Apple documentation and never saw my question addressed(I may have missed it). My client(non-profit) would like to be able to accept donations through their App. I would...

Detecting with code if your iPhone app is live vs test

I was wondering if there was a way within an app code to determine if the app is real (in the iTunes store) versus test? The reason is that I have every part of in app purchase resolved. However when verifying the receipt you must send it to either if live or

In app Purchase "Invalid Product Identifier" problem

hi everyone i am getting invalid identifier problem while requesting for product information i have done the following thing i have added my application to the itunes connect and the bundle identifier matches with that of the one in programme portal i have enabled in app purchase in programme portal for the app id and created provisi...