
iPhone In App Purchase - response.products are still empty?! Please help

I've wasted so much time on this and so I'm now begging for some help. Basically, I've tried to set up in app purchases on a test app before I implement them into a proper app that my company are working on. I've read the Store kit pdf and other snippets about a 1000 times, but the products are still being returned as empty. Here's exact...

How to Update an Application After Users Pay For Upgrade

I need to update my application after the user pays for an update. I want to alter the current application instead of downloading a new version. After the user pays, I will enable certain functions of the app. How would I implement this? ...

Can we specify the amount to be charged by iPhone storekit framework ?

Can we specify the amount to be charged by iPhone storekit framework ? or it will charge the amount specified at the application creation time ? ...

to submit iPhone application to app store do we need our own server in all cases?

Hello all: i read this overview of the StoreKit API but could not understand the role of developer's server exactly, will you please elaborate the role and is it mandatory to have if i need to submit an application ? Thanks in advance.. ...

In PHP, how do I add 3 months to the purchase date retrieved from the iPhone InApp receipt?

After I have validated the receipt against the App Store from my PHP server, the App Store sends me back a JSON response with "status" : 0 "receipt" : ( .... ) One of the receipt items is "purchase_date" which contains the following string (example) "2010-02-09 19:17:04 Etc/GMT" I'm trying to establish a subscription service and wou...

What are the possible messages from appstore ?

i have used storekit framework, now what are the possible messages that would come some of them "Are you sure to purchase ### product?" "Purchased Successfully" with documentation. ...

iPhone Store Kit "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"

Hi, I am working on adding In-App purchases to my app. I am able to receive the productsRequest:didReceiveResponse method, and receive the array of products. My problem arises when I add a SKPayment to the SKPaymentQueue. After I add the product to the queue, in the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions method the transactions always have ...

iPhone memory leaks with store kit

Hello, I am trying to develop an application which uses storekit api. The document (Store Kit guide) suggests that the api will not work on a simulator. I found out that memory leaks will not be able to work on a device. I was wondering if any one can tell me how to check for memory leaks while using a store kit api on a project? How is ...

enabling guard malloc for Iphone device or for store kit api?

I am using store kit api for an application on iphone. I would like to know if it is possible to enable Malloc Guard while running on the device and see if there are any memory leaks. Could someone let me know if it is possible? ...

Debugging StoreKit functionality without a device

Hi! I'm porting an app with in-app purchase functionality from the iPhone to the iPad, but the simulator doesn't handle any StoreKit calls (they fail immediately with a warning). Since there are no iPads available yet, I can't use a device for debugging. I have thought of a few alternatives: Use the iPhone code as is. This is the saf...

StoreKit show me Invalid product id

hi I used In App Purchase and i follow all step to create In App purchase but my program always show me invalid product id.By In App Purchase status in itunes is "Waiting for review". What should i do so that i get my product id valid. Thanks ...

In app purchase can we refund the In App purchase

Is there a programatical way in which an In App purchase is refunded back to the user? I have an application with a certain buyable feature. The user buys it but somehow doesnt like it. Is there any programatical way in which I can make the user get back his spent money? ...

How can I intercept the StoreKit "buy dialog" to make a MBProgressHUD / UIProgressView show up correctly and at the right times?

I'm programming StoreKit into my iPhone app. I can't seem to be able to intercept the buy item dialog wait time either before or after pressing the button to purchase the item. Pretty much what I want is an indicator on the screen before the buy dialog appears and after, but before the purchased item is unlocked. I don't want my users b...

STORE KIT - Cannot connect to iTunes Store

Hi, this is my situation: I have an app of which i want to add in app purchase. I created an update version of the app. I uploaded a binary and rejected. On the provisioning portal i created an app-id with unique id ( not wildchard * ) like: com.mycompanyname.myappintheoryblablabla I created a new provisioning profile based on the abov...

Simplified iphone In-app store implementation for built-in product features

This question is for those familiar with implementing the iphone in-app store functionality. The app I'm building has only built-in features that are unlocked when features are purchased. Further, any modifications or additions to store items will require an app update. Also, it is only in English so has no localized languages for t...

Recording purchased products from in-app store for built-in products

I'm creating an in-app store for a few built-in features for my iphone app. Apple's documention recommends using the Application Preferences for storing this, but another question in this forum suggested using NSUserDefaults for another task for which Application Preferences was recommended (by Apple). Can someone clarify if, for in-ap...

Where do I attach the StoreKit delegate and observer in a Cocos2d App?

I have figured out how all of the StoreKit stuff works and have actually tested working code... however, I have a problem. I made my "store" layer/scene the SKProductsRequestDelegate. Is this the correct thing to do? I get the initial product info like so: SKProductsRequest *productRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProduct...

how can I run the apple Storekit in the simulator?

Normally, this can't be done. I have written a class which wraps around the usual Storekit functionality and will allow an app to behave (while running on the simulator) as if the Storekit transaction had succeeded. I have written a blog post about the design decisions behind the code, which can be read here and includes a download lin...

SKProductsRequest delegate methods are never called.

This used to work for me but is now not working anymore and I can't figure out why. I have in-app purchase setup in my app. I confirmed that I have a correct set of product identifiers, matched by corresponding in-app purchase items in itunesconnect. The call goes out to Apple view [productRequest start], but I never get a response ba...

"The item you tried to buy is no longer available" storekit error in iphone sdk

Hi all, I'm trying to use the StoreKit API in OS3.0 for the iphone to do in app purchase. However, I'm getting the following error when trying to purchase something in the SANDBOX ENVIRONMENT. The item you tried to buy is no longer available [Environment: Sandbox] Here's the code I use to do the payments: SKPayment* payment = [SKPaym...