
Specifying filename for dynamic PDF in

How can I specify the filename when dumping data into the response stream? Right now I'm doing the following: byte[] data= GetFoo(); Response.Clear(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.BinaryWrite(data); Response.End(); With the code above, I get "foo.aspx.pdf" as the filename to s...

HTTP reponse splitting

Hi, im trying to handle this possible exploit and wondering what is the best way to do it? should i use apache's common-validator and create a list of known allowed symbols and use that? ...

Why would a server not set a HTTP Response Code?

I'm asking in generalities - why would any server not set and return headers and/or status codes? I can't think of a good reason for this. Perhaps I'm overlooking something. ...

What makes IE 6 & 7 report 'Operation Aborted'?

Recently an application I wrote started not working on Internet Explorer. There has been no change to the underlying (ruby on rails) code. In IE 6 or IE 7, I can make one request (HTTP Post) to the app, but when I try to make a 2nd request, I get an "Operation Aborted" message. Everything works fine in firefox. The HTTP Request and Res...

What is the difference between request, response and server?

What is the difference between request, response and server? ...

parse http response header from wget

Im trying to extract a line from wget's result but having trouble with it. This is my wget call: $ wget -SO- -T 1 -t 1 --18:24:12-- http://xxx.xxxx.xxxx:15000/myhtml.html => `-' Resolving xxx.xxxx.xxxx... xxx.xxxx.xxxx Connecting to xxx.xxxx.xxxx|xxx.xxxx.xxxx|:15000... connected. HTTP re...

Again a jquery doubt...

I am calling a .txt file from a jquery ajax call, it has some special characters like "±". this ± is delimiter for a set of i want to split it out and push into a js array. but it is not treated as ± symbol when interpreted like this. so how do i get that data as just like browser content? ...

Multipart response in Ruby/Rack

I want my server to send a multipart response (multipart/x-mixed-replace). I'd prefer some kind of solution using the Sinatra framework or a generic Rack app, but any example in ruby would be nice. Here's the equivalent of what I'm trying to do, in PHP: <?php header('Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="rn9012"'); prin...

Closing a Pop-Up Window after Writing File to Response.

In my code, I am using javascript to fire off a on an ASPX page. In the page-load of that page, I'm outputting a file: Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Charset = ""; Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"...

How to get rid of validation warnings

The complete warning is Validation (): Element 'html' occurs too few times This is for a JSON view, which you might guess returns a JSON result and hence no html. ...

How do I extract byte array from soapUI response?

I am testing a web service with soapUI. One of the responses looks like this: <S:Envelope xmlns:S=""&gt; <S:Body> <ns2:getInputConfigFilesResponse xmlns:ns2=""&gt; <return>UEsDBBQACAAIAO1GNToAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAc2NyaXB0cy9lbGxza [...] AATAAAAAAAAA...

How to implement custom proxy server?

Ultimately, I want to block downloads in .NET WebBrowser control, effectively restricting it to displaying HTML, images, scripts and the like, but never, ever display a "Save as" dialog to the user. The solution proposed in an answer to that question was to hook up a custom proxy server that checks the responses and filters out anything...

Jetty Response with no Charset

Hi, I'm using Jetty to test a webservice we have and I am trying to get it to respond with no charset under the content-type header. Does anyone know how to do this? I've tried intercepting the Response and setting the CharacterEncoding to null or "" but that gives Exceptions. I am using Jetty 6.1.6. ...

What is the shortest perceivable application response delay?

A delay will always occur between a user action and an application response. It is well known that the lower the response delay, the greater the feeling of the application responding instantaneously. It is also commonly known that a delay of up to 100ms is generally not perceivable. But what about a delay of 110ms? What is the shortest...

Responding so the browser does not do anything - is it possible?

Is it possible to make such a HTTP response, that the browser ignores it and keeps showing the previously displayed page? I mean the following scenario: a) user clicks something b) some POST goes to the server (or GET, but let's stick with POST as more interesting) c) server decides that for some reason it does not want to send the r...

Access content to be written to browser in ASP.NET

I am looking to access the content of a web page that is going to be written to the browser. I have played around and tested using Form Adapters and that works great for any content between <form> and </form> but the content that falls outside of it is not in the context that is passed to the Form adapter. Is there a way (via an HTTP M...

Uploading a file over HTTP and reading the result in C#

The title of this question should be self explanatory, but basically I have this code (working) progfrm = new progressform(); System.Net.WebClient ahwebclient = new System.Net.WebClient(); progfrm.Show(); ahwebclient.UploadProgressChanged += new System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(ahwebclient_Upl...

RESTful HTTP response codes

I'm developing a simple RESTful API, and utterly in love with how minimalistic it is. But I'm uncertain as to the correct HTTP response codes for various situations: Incorrectly formed query Correctly formed query refers to a resource which does not exist Resource successfully deleted Resource successfully edited I'm currently thinki...

xmlHttpRequest Response

Hi Every Body I'm Having Some Confusing Problem And I Need Help I Have Written Some Code To Initialize xmlHttpRequest To Send Request And Recieve Some Response,Here Is My Code: function initRequest(url) { if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ req=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if(window.ActiveXObject) { isIE=true; ...

What byte[] concludes a HTTP server response?

what byte/bytes do you send to conclude a HTTP server response? ...