I've been working on iPhone app for awhile and still want to support 2.2.1
One of the features is that the user can start the app via email by clicking a link. In the 2.2.1 world, I accomplished this by implemting the application: handleOpenURL: message.
In iPhone 3.0, they've changed things up adding the application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method (which is great, and makes a lot more sense than the old way). In that method, you use the key UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey to find out what the URL was.
The problem is, if I use that key my app doesn't build in 2.2.1 since it was introduced in 3.0. What's the most elegant way to get around this and still support 2.2.1? I was thinking of using the actual value for the UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey enum, but I figured that was ugly. Has anybody encountered this and think of a better way?