
Implementing GUI pop-ups on iPhone

Hello community, Is there any way to implement pop-ups similar to the system ones on iPhone? I'd like to see something similar to pop-ups used with Copy/Paste in 3.0 (screenshots) Thanks in advance! ...

Is it possible to access text message information through iPhone SDK

I am developing an application where in i want to alert the user if he receives a message from a contact. I have been struggling for the same yet haven't found any solution to this. I also wanted to know if the sdk 3.0 allows access to the call history.. ...

iPhone p2p - Is there a way to connect to more than 1 devices?

Hi Is it possible to connect to more than 1 devices using the new GameKit framework? Till now all the examples I've seen show how we can connect to 1 device. Even the default connection interface lets the user select just one connect. Thanks. ...

iPhone - how is data transferred in P2P

Hi I am trying to implement a P2P application. What I try to do is transfer a custom NSObject class's data between the devices. I am not able to figure out when the "receivedData" method is invoked by GKSession. Here's what I've done The usual connection and showing a dialog box with peers When the app receives a state change for a p...

Interface Builder System Media Library Empty in iPhone 3.0 SDK

Hi, my System library in Interface Builder contains no image or sound resources etc. I am currently using the iPhone 3.0 SDK. If you have any idea what I can do to get the default media for Interface Builder it would be appreciated. I am using the Snow Leopard Developer Preview incase this makes a difference. ...

where did all the templates in xcode go?

After the recent update in xcode I seem to have lost all the template for cocoa touch and iphone templates. Under Cocoa Touch Classes in the new file dialog, I only have 3 choices: Objective-C class Objective-C test case class and UIViewController subclass where did the others go? UITableView, UInavigation etc.? I am running xcode 3....

iPhone Auto-scroll UITextView but allow manual scrolling also

I have a UITextView that has a lot of content. I have a button that allows the UITextView to automatically scroll + 10 pixels in an NSTimer loop: scrollPoint = CGPointMake(scrollPoint.x, scrollPoint.y + 10); [textView setContentOffset:scrollPoint animated:YES]; This works really well, as the animation makes the scroll rather smooth. ...

Can't release object without crashing

In a tableview cellForRowAtIndexPath, I do the following: MapViewController *mapView = [[MapViewController alloc] initWithCoordinates:city.Latitude longitude:city.Longitude]; [cell addSubview:mapView.view]; //[mapView release]; -- will crash here Calling the last line gives this memory error EXC__BAD _ACCESS”. How do I release the ab...

How come my navigation control includes two bars one on the top and one on the bottom?

In interface builder, I click on my tab bar controller and set the class of one of the tabs to Navigation Controller. This should set the this tab to be a navigation controller. However, I get an additional bar at the the bottom like a toolbar. Is this normal behavior? How can I remove it? ...

Parsing multiple XML files into one or more Object-classes?

My app is made up of a TabBarController, each tab with a UITableView. On launch I parse an XML file from my server into an Object class and then display the objects in the first tableview. My question is, what do I do when I want to parse a second XML file? Currently, when doing so, the information in "XML-file-2" will overwrite the ob...

access to reception sensor information with iPhone SDK

Hi, Is there a way to programmatically access the reception level sensor with iPhone SDK 3.1? Thanks, Nava ...

Problem with reading user location into coordinates on iPhone

Hello! I have a problem what I suppose is rather trivial... I have coded an app using the mapkit and have done the development on my Mac using the simulator which has no GPS. Therefore did I hard code the coordinates to simulate a user position. Today as I tried my app on my iPhone for the first time I thought I only had to change my co...

Drawing several transformed images using Quartz on the iPhone

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how best to accomplish drawing a scene in an iphone app. Here is the situation: I have a single view that I would like to draw to I would like to have a background image I would like to draw several different images on top of the background each which have separate transforms applied to them (rotation,...

NSMapTable missing from 3.0 headers?

I'm using NSMapTable in a program that must run under both 3.0 and 2.2.1. As expected, the program compiles without problems for the 2.2.1 libraries, but when I switch to 3.0, I get compiler errors: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'NSMapTable' In other words, XCode can't find the declaration of the NSMapTable class. I ...

MKMapView and setRegion:animated: not updating the map visuals

Greetings! I'm attempting to use MKMapView without any Apple code samples, though there are a few others out there of varying clarity. (I know, "Read the friendly manual." I've done that but it's not 100% clear, so please bear with me on this one.) Here's the situation. I have a MKMapView object, wherein I have added a set of about ten ...

Which audio format would be the best?

I was using AVAudioPlayer to play multiple audio clips back to back but there was always a small silence between tracks and then i came to know of Finch, a library which uses OpenAL to play audio. with this the silence problem seems to be solved theoretically but then i found that it doesn't play m4a or any other compressed formats. Now...

UITextView touch events not firing

I have a UITextView that I want to detect a single tap for. It looks like I would be fine with simply overriding touchesEnded:withEvent and checking [[touches anyObject] tapCount] == 1 , however this event doesn't even fire. If I override the 4 events like this: -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UIT...

Xcode 3.1.3 - Organizer The device is not activated. Please activate it using iTunes

Hello, I recently upgraded my XCode SDK to version 3.1.3 and my iphone OS to 3.0. It is important to note that everything was working fine when i had os version 2.2.1 in my iPhone. My iPhone Touch device is not jailbroken and I have a valid provisioning profile in the organizer which is linked to my iPhone Touch however it has a yellow ...

Using MPMediaPlaylistPropertyPlaylistAttributes and bitwise operators on NSInteger- Objective C (iPhone)

Hello, and thanks in advance for you time. I am trying to filter out certain types of playlists for an iphone app (genius and On-the-go, specifically). the documentation says that the property attribute MPMediaPlaylistPropertyPlaylistAttributes will return the attributes associated with a playlist in the form of an NSNumber containing a...

Displaying MFMailComposeViewController in landscape

My app is landscape based. I'd like to use MFMailComposeViewController in landscape but can't find anything to notifiy it about orientation. In landscape, MFMailComposeViewController displays only the top part of the mail compose window, coming in from the left side, when in landscape. Basically it covers half of the landscape screen....