
Limiting pasted string length in UITextView or UITextField

The problem of limiting strings that are directly entered into a UITextView or UITextField has been addressed on SO before: iPhone SDK: Set Max Character length TextField iPhone sdk 3.0 issue However now with OS 3.0 copy-and-paste becomes an issue, as the solutions in the above SO questions don’t prevent pasting additional characters...

iphone - AVAudioRecorder gives mono playback (sound playing in just one channel)

Hi I am using AVAudioRecorder to record audio and save to a wav file (using SDK 3.0) The settings dictionary contains the following values NSMutableDictionary *recordSetting = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [recordSetting setValue :[NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatLinearPCM] forKey:AVFormatIDKey]; [recordSetting setValue:[N...

Map Kit: Custom placemarks

Hello, how do I use custom placemarks instead of the standard pins with MapKit on the iPhone? Regards ...

Plists and connections

I have an app that needs to connect and receive data, different each time that you click in one tab. Then to show the data to the user, i use a "element.plist" where i have one array of dictionaries( each dictionary has the info in different strings: name, category, ...). I load the info from this plist. I would like then, to continue u...

UITableViewCell changes from 2.1 to 3.0 - Duplicate Cells

I have a subclass of UITableViewCell that I create for a UITableView. Let's say I have 26 cells (letters of the alphabet). In SDK 2.1 I load the first six cells, A->F, then scroll down and it loads the next six cells (G->L). In SDK 3.0 I load the first six cells, A->F, then scroll, it reloads the first six cells again (A->F), instead o...

How to get UIMenuController work for a custom view?

I'm trying to get the following code work: UIMenuController * menu = [UIMenuController sharedMenuController]; [menu setTargetRect: CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100) inView: self.view]; [menu setMenuVisible: YES animated: YES]; The menu instance is ready but it doesn't show - the width is always zero. Or is there some sample code on this...

Is it possible to embed an inline image in HTML email using MFMailComposeViewController?

Is it possible to embed a reference to an image in an HTML email sent via MFMailComposeViewController on iPhone OS 3.0? (void)addAttachmentData:(NSData*)attachment mimeType:(NSString*)mimeType fileName:(NSString*)filename doesn't seem to provide any way of either setting or reading the Content-ID header for an attachment, but is there...

SCListener is not working in 3.0 Device ?

Till yesterday i worked with 2.2.1 version it worked great, but today i tried to run on 3.0 Device it is not getting the input can anyone guide me in this issue, please . Thank you. ...

Categories in static library for iPhone device 3.0

I have categories in my static library. Any application developer should set -ObjC flag to "Other Linker Flags" to use my static library properly. It works fine for iPhone device/iPhone Simulator 2.x and iPhone Simulator 3.0. But it crashes for iPhone device 3.0. As written in this article it is new linker bug. They suggest to use one mo...

Where to put Loading....

Hi, In my app I have connections with a web service and I would like to create a loading view to show each time the connection starts until it returns a response. Where is the best place to put this view in my application and what is the best way to implement it? Thanks, Fermin ...

Webservice connection data storage

Hello, I would like to ask you how can i implement the next: I have a tabBar where each tab make one different connection to one web service, and should show a different data. I would like to save this data "somewhere" and from it place load the different tabs. Where i should save this received data? Thank you, Best regards ...

Using system Sound to play sounds

Here is the code: -(void)stop { NSLog(@"Disposing Sounds"); AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID (soundID); //AudioServicesRemoveSystemSoundCompletion (soundID); } static void completionCallback (SystemSoundID mySSID, void* myself) { NSLog(@"completion Callback"); } - (void) playall: (id) sender { [self stop]; A...

Objective-C error: Property 'active' is a scalar type on class 'Routine'. Cannot generate a getter method for it.

I'm getting the above error when the following runs in the iphone simulator (3.0 OS): @interface Routine : NSManagedObject { } @property (nonatomic) BOOL active; @implementation Routine @dynamic active @end As you can see, I'm subclassing NSManagedObject because I'm using Core Data. In my data model, "active" is an option attribute...

how to find that flip animation has finished iphone?

how do i find that flip animation has finished animation? i want to update a label's text just after animation has finished.. or how do i update a view during flip animation.? ...

how do I detect the iPhone orientation before rotating

In my program I'm moving things based on rotation, but I'm not rotating the entire view. I'm Using : static UIDeviceOrientation previousOrientation = UIDeviceOrientationPortrait; - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { [window addSubview:viewController.view]; [window makeKeyAndVisible]; [...

Custom View in UITableViewCell

I am trying to create a UITableView Section that contains two buttons aligned horizontally. This would be similar to the Contacts app, where on the bottom of a specific contact page they have buttons lined up to Text the contact and share the contact. However in my tableView, I want the two buttons to be placed in between other section...

warning no-method descriptionWithCalendarFormat:timeZone:locale found

I am getting this warning in xcode 3.1.3 iphone os 3.0. This method is also not available in the NSDate class. But I am getting the date from this method. Can anyone please tell me How can I get rid of this warning???? ...

Memory climbs but without any memory leak in code, happens in iPhone 3G, SDK 3.0

Hello all, I found that memory kept growing without any memory allocated in code when running a opengles based program on iPhone 3G device. Copy from Instrument: Instances / Responsible / Responsible Caller ------------------------------------------------------------ GeneralBlock-8 / QuartzCore / x_list_prepend_ Gen...

iPhone Store Kit questions

I'm trying to set up In-App purchasing with the Store Kit at the moment. I've got the Store Kit programming guide but there's aspects which aren't clear. I'm trying to first of all, just get a response from iTunes connect with the following: - (void)requestProductData { SKProductRequest *request = [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProd...

MKMapView questions

I've been working with the MKMapView control (SDK v3.0) in the simulator for a few days. I have been able to map an arbitrary location, zoom it, drop a pin, and add an annotation. I'm still a bit fuzzy on the full capabilities of the MKMapView control itself (outside of the simulator), however. If the MKMapView's 'Shows User Location'...