
iPhone: Performances Differences Between NSURLRequestCachePolicy Settings

When using NSURLRequest on the iPhone, what are the real world performance differences between the various NSURLRequestCachePolicy settings? I am specifically interested in the cache policy's effect on the the user's perception of the speed at which UIWebView pages display. I have been using the default NSURLRequestCachePolicy but I th...

Grid view in iPhone SDK

Hi, I would like to create a grid view in my iPhone app similar to that shown in the iPad photos app. I know that the iPhone 3.2 SDK is under NDA, but is there a library or framework available for adding this kind of functionality (non-SDK). Ideally I would like to eventually develop an iPad version of the app, where the grid would be 3...

iPad SDK in Leopard

Is there any way to install the iPad SDK on a Leopard machine? ...

Porting an iPhone app to iPad -- single application, or fork?

I have an iPhone application I am about to modify for the iPad. My problem is: the application is designed to work for iPhone OS 2.0 and if I make it for the iPad, I will have to design it for OS 3.2. I cannot change the iPhone version, because I risk some of my users with old versions of the iPhone not being able to run the app. Obvi...

Where can I find iPad Sample Code

I know the iPhone has a site with sample apps and code for the iPhone. Are there any resources out there for the iPad? I would like iPad specific examples like using split view, etc. ...

IPHONE - fade in and fade out of a UIImageView with different times

Hi, I would like to do a fade in and out of a UIImageView using different times, let's say, using the following parameters: t = 0 ... UIImageView's alpha = 0 t = 0.5s ... UIImageView's alpha = 0.7 t = 0.7s ... UIImageView's alpha = 0 Is this possible to do with CAAnimation or other method? How can that be done? thanks for any...

UITouch UIWebview make active if disabled.

I have 4 UIviews (not overlapping), one active, and 3 not enabled. I want to set one of the 3 non-enabled views to active by a touch, I thought touchesBegan: but it doesn't work. any ideas? will this work with uiwebviews as well? ...

How do I programatically get a large iPad window on startup with 1.9 MonoTouch?

I have the latest Ipad compatible Monotouch library. I have upgraded my projects to use 3.2 SDK and MonoTouch 1.9 Alpha. The docs say you need to change the Window in your XIB for the large iPad Window. I don't use XIB. I build my interface from code by constructing the object programatically. What should I be doing to get the large iPa...

iPhone - Interface Orientation reversed?

Hi I have this piece of code... - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { return YES; } and - (void) didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { if(UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(interfaceOrientation)){ // WTF, this runs when I chang...

iPhone & Ipad - how do I fork a code?

My question is this: I have an application designed for iPhone and I decided to fork the code, in other words, I will develop two versions of the application at this initial phase, one for iPhone and the other for iPad. My question is this: how do I fork the code? I would like to continue using one project for both versions but, obvious...

iPhone & Ipad - UIGetScreenImage - how to capture in lanscape?

Apple recently decided to allow developers to use this UIGetScreenImage private API. I have implemented it and it works fine in portrait, but when I run the device to landscape (self.view rotates) and UIGetScreenImage continues to capture using the screen non-rotated coordinates. The result is a cropped landscape result. UIGetScreenI...

UITextViews that don't suck

Hello all, I'm looking to customise the behaviour of a UITextView quite dramatically - adding in regex-based highlighting, line numbers and find and replace - as I essentially want to create a text editor on the iPhone/iPad. I've been looking through the UITextView reference but it seems to be very restricted, not very customisable at ...

Does the UISplitViewController have to be the root controller of an iPad app?

Hey friends, According to Apple's documentation on the UISplitViewController (in the new iPad 3.2 SDK) it looks like they intend for you to use it only as a root controller of an app. In other words...it seams like you cannot push a UISplitViewController onto a UINavigationController because obviously the UINavigationController would n...

iPhone - application being ejected

I have an application that is being ejected by iPhone OS for "low memory". I have passed it thru instruments and I see zero leaks, and memory usage is around 640 kb. The application crashes when I add objects to the screen. This is how it works. I have a UIImageView based class that is very simple and add a few properties to the objec...

iPad Orientation Paradigm

I'm not a super awesome designer so this new paradigm has me a little cranky. The iPad is not supposed to have a standard orientation, and should/shall display screen contents at whichever orientation the user decides. This has me sort of stumped. I can keep my UI designed the way I want it in landscape mode, but switching to portrait...

How to handle multiple views

Im trying to develop a multi view apllication while trying to avoid navagation controllers as apple recommend this for the iPad. My problem is nav controllers are the only way I know how to make a multiview app, does anyone have a link to code or a book I could look at that show other ways? I already have exploring the iphone sdk and th...

Can I use a single iPhone Developer Program account on more than one machine?

I have three different development machines. Do I need three different iPhone Developer Program accounts or can I get one and use it on all three? I see that it has to be activated... does this tie it to a machine? ...

Presenting a view controller modally - iPad

I found this code to display a modal view: - (void)add:(id)sender { // Create the root view controller for the navigation controller // The new view controller configures a Cancel and Done button for the // navigation bar. RecipeAddViewController *addController = [[RecipeAddViewController alloc] initWi...

Iphone & iPad - how to exclude a resource from a target?

I have two targets on my project - iPad and iPhone. Some resources, as interface images, are exclusively for iPad and others for iPhone. How do I exclude an image, for example, of being included on a given target. This project of mine was created using that "transition" stuff and groups were created: Resources-iPad and Resources-iPhone...

IPHONE: After Removing / Adding Subviews in the App Delegate, Orientation Changes Fail

I am using my application delegate to swap out views. First I remove the current view, then I add the new view, then I run a quartz animation. No matter what view I load first, the orientation changes occur as expected. As soon as I start adding new views (removing the old) to the window in the application delegate, orientation changes ...