



In the iPhone, I have a tableview, and touching the cells, I have one method calling presentModalViewController, and opening another view, with email and this kind of stuff. When the user press the cancel button, the viewWillAppear method in the previous view is called. So far, so good. But in the iPad, the viewWillAppear is only called the first time that the view appears, anyone knows if this is a bug or it's right? I tried to implement the

- (void)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController didShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated{

with no success.

Does anybody know how to fix this without doing any delegate method from scratch? Thanks in advance


Chances are it's a bug, I would file a bug report with apple here. Also, please refrain from asking questions about the 3.2 sdk since there's that stinkin' NDA that everybody hates

Matt S.

Based on guesswork, rather than reading, testing or anything useful really, but therefore not covered under the NDA...

Is viewWillDisappear being called when you presentModalViewController ? It may be that it doesn't think the modal view obscures the original view fully, therefore (unlike the iPhone) both exist at once ?
