
What are the overall consequences of the iPhone NDA going away?

Not having pored through the NDA for the iPhone, I'm not quite clear on what was prohibited that is now allowed, post-dropping of the NDA. Is there any idea of the type of question previously closed here, for instance, that would now be re-opened or re-asked? And more broadly across the web, what level of discussion and help can we now h...

Snafu in a developer employment contract? Advice pls

Background: I'm fresh out of school with only solo contract development while I was going to school, so I've never worked as a developer for a company. So I've applied for a position at a company as a (jr) software dev. I had the interview, it went well, references checked out and the company wants to hire me. Yay me! I get the employm...

What is state of iPhone SDK NDA?

There are lots of iPhone SDK tutorials on the web now. It's a little confusing to come across a tutorial/post where someone is stating they can't do this or that because of the NDA. Yet, the NDA has been lifted. What exactly are the restrictions in regards to posting code and talking about the SDK? Here's one example: The book 'iPhon...

Legal preparation/NDA when shopping a new technology around

Several years ago I created some custom algorithms and code for processing CNC files (basically ways of controlling automated machines for manufacturing). Now, years later, I found suddenly that my small side project has come to the attention of one of the larger CNC companies and they contacted me and are very interested in it. I am now...

When will the iPhone NDA expire?

I am currently writing iPhone Apps using the SDK 3.0 beta 5, which unfortunately comes with an Non Disclosure Agreement. This agreement doesn't allow developers to talk about internals of the SDK freely, they can only use the Apple forums. Does anyone know when the iPhone NDA will be over? That date will be remarkable: developers will ...

Auditable NDA Solution

Just started at a place and, currently, they ask folks to fax in NDA. They want to (possibly) move toward doing something electronically on their web site. It seems they aren't too keen on the checkbox ("I agree") approach and would like to keep an audit trail. Ahem, they even brought up digital signatures which I have no experience impl...

Are iPad tutorials available?

Are there any iPad tutorials? At http://bit.ly/doBoIo they say that iPad SDK is under NDA. Does this mean that there will be no iPad programming tutorials for a while? ...

Can i openly speculate based on App rejection that the iPad has xxx MB of memory?

If i were to calculate the iPad's amount of RAM based on just the one fact that my iPad App got rejected due to memory warnings twice, and me fixing it, would this violate the developer NDA? Obviously i know how much memory my App uses, how much the iPhone OS is likely to use and estimate the amount reserved for video memory, then i can...